AC Arc Detection Method using Mixed Filter and Frequency Analysis

혼합필터와 주파수분석기법을 이용한 교류 아크 검출 기법

  • Jang, Dong-Uk (Metropolitan Transportation Research Center, Korea Railroad Research Institute) ;
  • Park, Seong-Hee (ICT Fusion Green Energy Center Wonkwang University) ;
  • Lee, Kang-Won (Railroad Safety and Certification Center, Korea Railroad Research Institute)
  • Received : 2017.10.23
  • Accepted : 2017.11.01
  • Published : 2017.12.01


In this paper, we propose a technique to determine the normal and arc of an alternating current using a mixed filter composed of an average filter and a band-pass filter and a frequency analysis. The proposed method uses the moving average filter of the FIR filter structure for noise removal and the band-pass filter of the IIR filter structure for detecting only specific frequency components after normalizing the measured current signal based on the maximum value. After performing Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) using the band-pass filtered signal, the total energy is calculated using the magnitude component of the frequency, and the arc is detected using the magnitude of the calculated energy. In order to show the validity of the proposed method, we experimented with various data and found that arc and steady state can be easily discriminated by calculating spectral energy. Therefore, it is considered that the proposed method can be applied to arc diagnosis of low voltage electric wire.



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