The Relationship between Self-Directedness and Scientific Creativity of Science-Gifted Elementary Students

초등과학영재학생의 자기주도성과 과학창의성의 관계

  • Received : 2017.10.12
  • Accepted : 2017.11.28
  • Published : 2017.11.30


This study analyzed the relationship between self-directedness of science-gifted elementary students and their expression of scientific creativity in science-gifted class. A science-gifted program on the topic of Hydraulic Machine was implemented to 34 fifth-graders in the Science-Gifted Education Center of an education office in Seoul, Korea for four weeks. The self-directedness of the gifted students was divided into three types of 'General, Scientific, and Topic-Related Self-Directedness'. The products of the students' activities were assessed by using a scientific creativity assessment formula. Qualitative research, such as analysis of observations and interviews, was also conducted in order to identify characteristics that were not apparently revealed by quantitative data. The main results of this study are as follows: First, science-gifted elementary students' general self-directedness and their scientific creativity were significantly correlated (r=.373). Second, the students' scientific self-directedness and scientific creativity did not have a significant correlation (r=.294). Third, there was a positive correlation between the students' topic-related self-directedness and their expression of scientific creativity. Their self-rated scores (r=.420) for the topic-related self-directedness and the number of activity types associated with the topic had a positive correlation (r=.350). Fourth, the students were categorized into four groups according to the levels of their self-directedness and scientific creativity, and the result showed that Type HH (high self-directedness and high scientific creativity) was the most common type (15 students, 38.5%), followed by Type LL (low self-directedness and low scientific creativity) (11 students, 28.2%). Eight (20.5%) and five students (12.8 %) belonged to Type LH (low self-directedness and high scientific creativity) and Type HL (high self-directedness and low scientific creativity) respectively. Fifth, the classroom observation of the students in groups revealed that groups with more number of Type HH demonstrated better cooperation and performance. Sixth, the analysis results of the observation were almost matched to the results of the self-directedness and scientific creativity tests. The students with higher self-directedness demonstrated active class participation and good cooperative skills. The students with higher scientific creativity had a tendency to generate creative ideas more frequently in given situations. Seventh, dynamic activities were perceived as enjoyable and exciting by 76.9% of the students, but static activities that require creativity were regarded as interesting only by 23.1% of the students. Among the students who were satisfied with both the creative and static activities, Type HH accounted for the largest proportion (55.6%). In conclusion, factors such as students' interests, initiatives, and attitudes displayed through voluntary participations originated from their own daily life can predict the degree of scientific creativity associated with the topic. Also, when students were categorized into four types according to the level of self-directedness and scientific creativity, there was a tendency of active behavior in class, cooperative skill, and activity satisfaction. This suggested that we should consider self-directedness and scientific creativity in selecting the gifted, grouping them in class, and designing and executing programs for science-gifted elementary students.



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Cited by

  1. 초등과학영재학생의 과학지식과 과학창의성의 관계 - 생명 영역을 중심으로 - vol.39, pp.3, 2017,