Data-Driven Kinematic Control for Robotic Spatial Augmented Reality System with Loose Kinematic Specifications

  • Received : 2015.08.06
  • Accepted : 2015.10.29
  • Published : 2016.04.01


We propose a data-driven kinematic control method for a robotic spatial augmented reality (RSAR) system. We assume a scenario where a robotic device and a projector-camera unit (PCU) are assembled in an ad hoc manner with loose kinematic specifications, which hinders the application of a conventional kinematic control method based on the exact link and joint specifications. In the proposed method, the kinematic relation between a PCU and joints is represented as a set of B-spline surfaces based on sample data rather than analytic or differential equations. The sampling process, which automatically records the values of joint angles and the corresponding external parameters of a PCU, is performed as an off-line process when an RSAR system is installed. In an on-line process, an external parameter of a PCU at a certain joint configuration, which is directly readable from motors, can be computed by evaluating the pre-built B-spline surfaces. We provide details of the proposed method and validate the model through a comparison with an analytic RSAR model with synthetic noises to simulate assembly errors.



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