Investigating Exoplanet Orbital Evolution Around Binary Star Systems with Mass Loss

  • Rahoma, Walid A. (Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Cairo University)
  • 투고 : 2016.11.08
  • 심사 : 2016.11.30
  • 발행 : 2016.12.15


A planet revolving around binary star system is a familiar system. Studies of these systems are important because they provide precise knowledge of planet formation and orbit evolution. In this study, a method to determine the evolution of an exoplanet revolving around a binary star system using different rates of stellar mass loss will be introduced. Using a hierarchical triple body system, in which the outer body can be moved with the center of mass of the inner binary star as a two-body problem, the long period evolution of the exoplanet orbit is determined depending on a Hamiltonian formulation. The model is simulated by numerical integrations of the Hamiltonian equations for the system over a long time. As a conclusion, the behavior of the planet orbital elements is quite affected by the rate of the mass loss from the accompanying binary star.



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