Three New Records of Arctiine Moths (Lepidoptera: Erebidae; Arctiinae) from Korea

  • Choi, Sei-Woong (Department of Environmental Education, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Kim, Sung-Soo (Research Institute for East Asian Environment and Biology)
  • 투고 : 2016.10.19
  • 심사 : 2016.10.28
  • 발행 : 2016.10.31


Here, we report three new arctiine moths for the first time in Korea, Siccia shikatai Kishida, Nudaria ranruna Matsumura, and Pelosia angusta (Staudinger). Siccia shikatai is distinguished by grayish forewings with a thick and blackish antemedial line, a thin, dark brown and dentate postmedial line and a black <-shaped discal spot and grayish hindwing with a dark brown discal dot. Nudaria ranruna is distinguished by the whitish fore- and hindwings and a large, blackish discal dot and thick medial lines on the forewing. Pelosia angusta is distinguished by dark grayish fore- and hindwings and a thick, dark brown, curved medial line on the forewing.



Bae et al. (2013) and Bayarsaikhan et al. (2016) revised the lithosiine genera in Korea and reported the species Siccia obscura (Leech) for the first time in Korea. They summarized the morphological characteristics of Lithosiini as follows: adults have small to medium sized wingspan with slender body and narrow wings, the sickle-shaped uncus and well-developed saccular process of male genitalia and the sclerotized corpus bursae of female genitalia (Bayarsaikhan et al., 2016). They also noted that a total of 38 species in 16 genera of the subfamily Lithosiinae are distributed in Korea (Bae et al., 2013; Bayarsaikhan et al., 2016).

Here, we report three species of the Lithosiinae for the first time in Korea: Siccia shikatai, Nudaria ranruna and Pelosia angusta. Among them, the genus Nudaria is newly described in Korea. Examination of adults, including the male and female genitalia, is in reference to Bae et al. (2013). The abbreviations are as follows: TL, type locality; MNU, Mokpo National University, Jeonnam; Provinces: JB, Jeollabuk- do; JN, Jeollanam-do; JJ, Jeju-do.



1*Siccia shikatai Kishida (Figs. 1A, 2A, B, G)

Fig. 1.Adults. A, Siccia shikatai; B, Nudaria ranruna; C, D, Pelosia angusta. Scale bars=10 mm.

Fig. 2.Male and female genitalia. A, B, G, Siccia shikatai; C, D, Nudaria ranruna, E, F, H, Pelosia angusta. Scale bars=1 mm.

Material examined. Korea: 1♂, JN: Muan, Sangma-ri, Chungkye-myeon, 34°55′N, 126°25′E, 55 m, 15 Aug 2006, Choi SW; 1♂, Chungkye-ri, Chungkye-myeon, 34°55′N, 126°25′E, 50 m, 15 Aug 2006, Choi SW; 1♂1♀, JJ: Seoquipo, Gunsan, Gamsan-ri, Andeog-myeon, 33°14′N, 126°21′E, 50 m 19 Jun 2012, Kim SS.

Diagnosis. This species can be characterized by the grayish forewings with four dark brownish dots on the costa, the medially bent dark brownish antemedial line and <-shaped dark brown and thick discal dot and grayish hindwings. This species is similar to Siccia obscura, but can be distinguished by the larger wingspan and the medially bent antemedial line and <-shaped discal dot on the forewing. The male genitalia can be distinguished from those of Siccia obscura by the short valva with dorsal series of denticles on costa and a bundle of long cornuti on the vesica. The female genitalia can be distinguished from those of Siccia obscura by the large, semi-circular lamella postvaginalis.

Description. Wingspan 19-22 mm. Antennae in both sexes filiform; frons broad, brownish, tinged with whitish scales; labial palpi moderate in length, about 1.5 times to eye diameter, barely projected beyond frons. Body covered with whitish scales; fore- and mid-legs dorsally brownish, hindlegs whitish. Forewing: ground color gray, costa with four dark brown dots; antemedial line dark brownish, medially strongly bent, costally thick, dorsally thin; postmedial line thin, brown, strongly waved, short blackish medial horizontal bar; subtermen costally with waved brown line; termen with series of black dots. Hindwing: ground color grayish; medial lines absent; discal dot grayish; termen dark grayish. Male genitalia: Uncus long, slender, apically pointed, almost same length as tegumen; tegumen triangular. Valva symmetrical, short, bifurcated; costa sclerotized, distally strongly sclerotized, projected, dorsally with series of minute dentate processes; sacculus with plate-shaped sclerotized process; saccus broad, rounded. Aedeagus stout, minute denticles in distal end; vesica with one bundle of long spinular cornuti and two small patches of denticles. Female genitalia: Papillae anales simple, membranous; apophyses posteriores almost same length of apophyses anteriores; lamella postvaginalis large, semi-circular; antrum broad; ductus bursae short, half length of diameter of corpus bursae, medially striated; corpus bursae ovate with one broad patch of denticles.

Distribution. Korea, Japan, Russian Far East.

Remarks. Two species of Siccia are now distributed throughout South Korea, including the previously recorded species Siccia obscura (Leech) (Bayarsaikhan et al., 2016).

1*Nudaria ranruna Matsumura (Figs. 1B, 2C, D)

Material examined. Korea: 1♂, JJ: Seoquipo, Harae-ri, 33° 18′57.0″N, 126°37′09.9″E, 278 m, 7 May 2016, Choi SW; 1♂, Harae-ri, 33°18′56.7″N, 126°36′25.7″E, 525 m, 1 Oct 2016, Choi SW.

Diagnosis. This species can be characterized by the whitish ground color of the forewing with a large black discal dot. The male genitalia can be identified by a long, bent uncus; the long, slender tegumen; the juxta with a medial pit; the long, slender valva with three distal processes; and the long, slender aedeagus that lacks a cornutus.

Description. Wingspan 21 mm. Antennae in male white filiform, base thick, hairy: frons broad, white; labial palpi yellowish white, short, almost equal to eye diameter, projecting barely beyond frons. Body covered with white scales; legs white. Forewing: ground color white; basal line light grayish, rounded; antemedial line light grayish, medially weakly bent, costally thick; discal dot large, black; postmedial line light grayish, costally thick, medially bent, dorsally weakly undulating; subtermen light grayish. Hindwing: ground color whitish without medial lines. Male genitalia: Uncus long, bent, apically pointed, slightly shorter than tegumen; tegumen slender, rounded; transtilla rounded; juxta flat, with medial pit; saccus long, medially projected. Valva long, slender, membranous, distally divided; costa medially weakly expanded, distally projected; sacculus slender, distally with small membranous arm and strongly projected process. Aedeagus long, thin, rod-shaped; cornutus absent. Female genitalia: Not examined.

Distribution. Korea, Taiwan, Japan.

Remarks. The genus Nudaria is newly recorded from Korea. Therefore, 17 genera of the Lithosiinae are distributed in Korea.

1*Pelosia angusta (Staudinger, 1887) (Figs. 1C, D, 2E, F, H)

Material examined. 2♂ 1♀, Korea: JB: Gunsan, Baekseok- jae, 35°56′07.01″N, 126°42′51.01″E, 11 m, 9 Sep 2016, Kim SS.

Diagnosis. This species can be characterized by the dark grayish fore- and hindwings and a thick, dark brown, curved medial line on the forewing. The species is externally very similar to Pelosia noctis, but can be distinguished by the paler grayish ground color of forewings. The male genitalia can be identified by a long, slender uncus, the large, triangular tegumen, the large, rounded saccus, the long and distally divided valva with medially curved costa and a medially small and a distally pointed sacculus processes, as well as the rod-shaped aedeagus with short parallel plates of cornuti patches. The male genitalia are similar to those of P. noctis, but can be distinguished by the absence of the long hornshaped juxta process and the less pointed sacculus process. The female genitalia are distinguished by the broad antrum, the thick and sclerotized ductus bursae and the large corpus bursae with a small rounded patch of signa spicules.

Description. Wingspan 14-16 mm. Antennae in both sexes bipectinate with short pectinations: frons broad, yellowish white; labial palpi yellowish white, short, almost equal to eye diameter, projecting barely beyond frons. Body covered with grayish scales; legs light gray except dark gray femur. Forewing: ground color light brown; postmedial line blackish, rounded, weakly dentate. Hindwing: ground color dark gray, without medial line; underside basally whitish. Male genitalia: Uncus long, slender, slightly shorter than tegumen; tegumen broad, triangular; transtilla roof-shaped; juxta simple; saccus long, medially rounded. Valva long, membranous, distally divided; costa medially expanded, distally rounded; sacculus slender, distally and medially with small projected processes. Aedeagus rod-shaped; two short bands of spicules of cornuti. Female genitalia: Papillae anales simple, membranous; apophyses posteriores almost same length of apophyses anteriores; antrum broad; ductus bursae long, almost same length of diameter of corpus bursae, anteriorly broad and sclerotized; corpus bursae large, globular with small round patch of spicules.

Distribution. Korea, Japan, Russian Far East.

Remarks. Four species of Pelosia are now distributed throughout South Korea, including the previously recorded species P. muscerda (Hufnagel), P. noctis (Butler), and P. ramosula (Staudinger) (Bae et al., 2013).


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