A Study on the Adjustment Practice of General Average according to the Application of YAR 2016

2016년 YAR의 적용에 따른 공동해손 정산 실무에 관한 시사점

  • Received : 2016.11.30
  • Accepted : 2016.12.17
  • Published : 2016.12.31


The adoption of the YAR 2016 brings to an end the 12 years of uncertainty for shipowners and Marine insurers which followed the adoption of the YAR 2004, which did not have the support of shipowners, and which were very rarely used in preference to the well-established and well understood YAR 1994. The development and finalisation of the YAR 2016 is the product of an extensive review undertaken by the IWG with input from the International Group, international average adjusting community, National Maritime Law Associations, the International Chamber of Shipping, BIMCO and IUMI amongst others. The Group clubs welcome and support the adoption of the YAR 2016 and recommend its incorporation in members' future shipping contracts. The Club will be taking steps to adopt logical changes to the 2017 Rules. In the meantime, this circular serves as confirmation Club cover extends to all shipping contracts incorporating YAR 2016. This study analyse the adjustment practice of general average according to the application of YAR 2016.



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