Stemphylium Leaf Blight of Garlic (Allium sativum) in Spain: Taxonomy and In Vitro Fungicide Response

  • Galvez, Laura (Department of Agricultural Production, Plant Protection Laboratory, Technical University of Madrid) ;
  • Gil-Serna, Jessica (Department of Microbiology, Complutense University of Madrid) ;
  • Garcia, Marta (Department of Microbiology, Complutense University of Madrid) ;
  • Iglesias, Concepcion (Department of Agricultural Production, Plant Protection Laboratory, Technical University of Madrid) ;
  • Palmero, Daniel (Department of Agricultural Production, Plant Protection Laboratory, Technical University of Madrid)
  • 투고 : 2016.03.16
  • 심사 : 2016.04.28
  • 발행 : 2016.10.01


The most serious aerial disease of garlic is leaf blight caused by Stemphylium spp. Geographical variation in the causal agent of this disease is indicated. Stemphylium vesicarium has been reported in Spain, whereas S. solani is the most prevalent species recorded in China. In this study, Stemphylium isolates were obtained from symptomatic garlic plants sampled from the main Spanish production areas. Sequence data for the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region enabled assignation of the isolates to the Pleospora herbarum complex and clearly distinguished the isolates from S. solani. Conidial morphology of the isolates corresponded to that of S. vesicarium and clearly discriminated them from S. alfalfae and S. herbarum on the basis of the size and septation pattern of mature conidia. Conidial morphology as well as conidial length, width and length:width ratio also allowed the Spanish isolates to be distinguished from S. botryosum and S. herbarum. Control of leaf blight of garlic is not well established. Few studies are available regarding the effectiveness of chemical treatments to reduce Stemphylium spp. incidence on garlic. The effectiveness of nine fungicides of different chemical groups to reduce Stemphylium mycelial growth in vitro was tested. Boscalid + pyraclostrobin (group name, succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors + quinone outside inhibitors), iprodione (dicar-boximide), and prochloraz (demethylation inhibitors) were highly effective at reducing mycelial growth in S. vesicarium with $EC_{50}$ values less than 5 ppm. In general, the effectiveness of the fungicide was enhanced with increasing dosage.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Conidial sporulation of Stemphylium solani under laboratory conditions and infectivity of the inoculum produced in vitro vol.152, pp.3, 2018,