패션 산업 내 3D 프린팅 사용 현황 및 패션디자인과 내의 활용방안

The Current Status of 3D Printing Use in Fashion Industry and Utilization Strategies for Fashion Design Departments

  • 정화연 (국제대학교 패션디자인계열)
  • 투고 : 2016.08.08
  • 심사 : 2016.09.19
  • 발행 : 2016.09.30


This study explored cases of 3D printing utilization in domestic and overseas fashion industries, and presented utilization strategies for fashion design departments in universities in future by grasping characteristics of newly appearing distribution types through 3D printing. Cases of producing costumes using 3D printing in fashion industry comprised a bikini using the material of Nylon12 that continuum fashion demonstrated, innovative 3D costumes by Iris Van Herpen, Tweed Suit using the material that Chanel manufactured with 3D printing technology, but they were limited to experimental fashion works due to limitations of 3D printer material and printing size. On the other hand, in fashion accessories, with jewelry and shoes at the head of the list, MCM and Kipling also demonstrated bags using this technology, and Elvis Pompilio and Gabriela Ligenza demonstrated 3D printing hat products as well. Except the above, as in glasses and neckties utilizing 3D printing, owing to reduced limitations of time, size and material, 3D printing was found to be utilized in fashion accessories other than costumes. Recently there has been a new consumption and distribution structure coming up focusing on 3D printing technology. That is, in overseas countries, content platforms sharing products modeled by oneself has rapidly appeared, and in our country as well, funnypoly, a 3D content platform appeared in 2015. The appearance of these new types of distribution structures means that the common people can produce design contents, and we believe that it may bring about a change in the traditional way of distribution structure. To walk in step with this change, it is believed that it is necessary for fashion design departments to raise college faculty members who can educate 3D printing, develop curriculum to educate 3D printing, and develop experiential programs connected with middle and high schools.



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