게슈탈트 이론에 의한 패션광고 효과에 관한 연구

A Study on the effect of Fashion Ads based on the Theory of Gestalt Psychology

  • 투고 : 2016.04.11
  • 심사 : 2016.06.27
  • 발행 : 2016.09.30


Gestalt psychology is a theory of psychology to organize separate stimuli perceived by people's vision to incorporate them into significant types, and this also is applied in terms of the brand awareness of consumers. This study considered which influence the Gestalt psychology theories have upon the fashion consumers' information processing in fashion advertisement. The results are as follows. The principles of the totality and the perceptual organization in the Gestalt psychology are allowing fashion consumers to perceive information through advertisement and to be capable of understanding it a little more easily and clearly in the process. As for the principle of totality, an integrated Gestalt was formed by combining the stimulant elements of fashion ads and the brand schema of consumers. The principles of figure and background that were part of the perceptual organization theory enabled the consumers to pay attention to, choose and focus on some of the objects of perception in an easier and faster way. The principle of perceptual grouping was used to draw attention from the consumers by simplifying the objects of perception and then by combining them or making them look complete. Therefore the more advanced application of the principles and laws of Gestalt psychology is expected to make fashion consumers' way of looking at ads more well balanced and positive in a more efficient and convincing manner.



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