Seismic analysis of shear wall buildings incorporating site specific ground response

  • Jayalekshmi, B.R. (Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka) ;
  • Chinmayi, H.K. (Department of Civil Engineering, Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology)
  • 투고 : 2015.08.21
  • 심사 : 2016.08.23
  • 발행 : 2016.11.10


During earthquake, the motion of ground is affected significantly by source characteristics, source-to-site path properties and local site conditions. Due to the influence of local soil conditions different places experience distinctive amplitude of surface ground motion. Ground response analysis of a specific site utilizing the borehole information at different locations is done in present study. The ground motion with the highest peak ground acceleration for this site obtained from the ground response analysis is used in finite element soil-structure interaction analysis of multi-storey shear wall buildings with various positions of shear walls. The variation in seismic response of buildings and advantageous position of shear wall are determined. The study reveals that providing shear wall at the core of buildings at the specific site is advantageous among all shear wall configurations considered.



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