The Poet Kim Shi-Jong living in both Joseon and Japan: the Meaning of 'Zainichi' Expressed in Epic Poem Niigata

조선과 일본에 사는 시인 김시종 - 장편시집 『니이가타』에 표현된 '재일'의 의미

  • Received : 2016.11.10
  • Accepted : 2016.12.05
  • Published : 2016.12.30


This article considers the meaning of 'Zainichi (在日)' expressed in epic poem Niigata (1970) written by Korean-Japanese poet Kim Shi Jong. Kim sets two points in his creation of poetry. One is summer of liberation released from Japanese colonial domination in 1945. The other is Japan where he lives as a Korean-Japanese. These two points have made him think about the meaning of living in post-colonial era and the national division of Korea, his home country. His thought like this is well expressed in his epic Niigata. Niigata was written in 1959 when the ship returning to North Korea departed from Niigata of Japan. However, Kim couldn't return to his home country at that time. He stowed away from South Korea to Japan in 1949. He participated in antigovernment activities occurred in Jeju Island to block the national division between the south and the north after the liberation in 1945, the so-called 4.3 incident. Besides, he was having conflict with the organization of North Korea at that time because it required a doctrinaire belief and creation in Korean. Kim was writing poems in Japanese and pursued the life of existence as a Korean-Japanese. Therefore, he decided to remain in Japan instead of returning to North Korea. Of course, he could not return to South Korea because he was a refugee. Kim imagined in Niigata, the place located in an extension of the 38th parallel and the spot of national division. He could not cross the division line when he was in his home country, but he could do it in Niigata through imagination. The life as a Korean-Japanese makes it possible. 'Zainichi', which means living in Japan, has been recognized as a worse situation compared to living in Korea. However, Kim changed his way of thinking. Zainichi can embrace South Korea, North Korea, and Japan. This is the very reason why he lives there as a Korean-Japanese. His thought like this is well expressed by symbolic representations and metamorphose as well as the imagination of spatial extension.

이 논문은 재일코리언 김시종의 장편시집 "니이가타"의 표현을 고찰해 식민 이후와 분단의 시대를 살아가는 '재일'의 의미를 생각해본 것이다. "니이가타"는 1959년에 니이가타 항에서 재일코리언이 북한으로 귀국하는 모습을 바라보며, 제주 4.3사건 이후 정부 당국에 쫓겨 1949년에 일본으로 건너와 현재에 이르기까지 재일의 삶을 살고 있는 김시종의 '재일'에 대한 적극적인 의미 표명을 상징적인 표현을 통해 잘 보여주고 있는 시집이다. 김시종은 스스로를 재일 2세로 정위하고 일본사회 속에서 현실적이고 주체적으로 살아가는 길을 모색해왔다. 그는 남북 분단의 현장이며 38도 선의 연장선상에 있는 니이가타에서 조국에서는 넘을 수 없었던 분단을 넘는 상상을 한다. 이는 재일의 삶을 살고 있기에 가능한 공간 확장의 상상이라고 할 수 있다. "니이가타"는 '재일'이 한국과 일본 사이에 끼어 정체성의 불안을 느끼는 네거티브한 존재가 더 이상 아니라, 한국과 북한, 그리고 일본을 모두 포괄하며 이들을 새로운 의미로 관련지을 수 있는 존재임을 보여주고 있다. 식민과 분단의 어두운 기억 속에서 살던 자아를 깨워 새로운 공간의 상상력을 펼침으로써 남북을 총칭하는 '조선'과 일본을 아우르는 지점에서 재일을 사는 의미를 찾고자 한 시인의 적극적 의지 표명을 읽어낼 수 있다.



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