Production of Hypo- and Hypertetraploid Seedlings from Open-, Self-, and Cross-Pollinated Hypo- and Hypertetraploid Grape

  • Park, Young-Sik (Gangwon Provincial Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Heo, Jae-Yun (Agriculture and Life Science Research Institute, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Park, Sung-Min (Department of Horticulture, Kangwon National University)
  • Received : 2016.03.23
  • Accepted : 2016.06.14
  • Published : 2016.10.31


Seedless grape (Vitis spp.) cultivars with large berries can be developed from hypo- and hypertetraploid seedlings. The low occurrence of hypo- and hypertetraploid seedlings, however, has impeded the breeding of new hypo- and hypertetraploid grape varieties. In order to establish hypoand hypertetraploid seedlings, we examined the chromosome numbers in seedlings of self-, open-, and cross-pollinated hypotetraploid 'Takao' and hypertetraploid 'RB9127K' grape. Three of the five seedlings (60%) from 'Takao' were aneuploid, including one with 74 chromosomes (2n=4x-2) and two with 75 chromosomes (2n=4x-1). In 'RB9127K', 26 of the 193 seedlings (13.5%) were aneuploid, including three seedlings with 75 chromosomes (2n=4x-1), 18 with 77 chromosomes (2n=4x+1), and five with 78 chromosomes (2n=4x+2). The high frequency of aneuploids from 'Takao' and 'RB9127K' grape indicates that meiosis in hypo- and hypertetraploid female parents is prone to segregation error. These results suggest that various hypo- or hypertetraploid seedlings can be successfully produced using hypo- or hypertetraploid grapes as female parents, which can contribute to the development of new seedless grape varieties with large berries.



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