Smart Design Strategies for Mixed-Use Development of the Post-industrial Region - Case Study of Post-industrial Regions in Britain -

후기 산업지역 복합화 개발사업의 스마트 디자인 전략 - 영국 후기 산업지역 도시재생 사례조사를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2016.07.29
  • Accepted : 2016.09.26
  • Published : 2016.09.30


As post-industrial regions has rapidly changed in transform manufacturing facilities to culture-oriented public places such as museum, gallery, and art center including art performance and entertainment activities in Britain, it seems a potential alternative to figure out how to reactivate disused industrial regions in Korea. There are smart design strategies driven by analyzing surveyed regions of post-industrial development as a public domain linked by pedestrian network with eco-friendly contexts such as the canal, the port, and the ocean. Relating the regional approaches of case studies of the Castlefield in Manchester, Salford MediaCityUK, Liverpool docks, Birmingham Brindleyplace, the Bristol canal, and the Cardiff bay, all cases are to be categorized in terms of design strategies to provide post-industrial regions with local amenities; waterfront, leisure, dinning, open space, pedestrian, cultural facilities, recreation space, science and education program, high technology etc. The diagrams in surveyed sites cover the scale of development, the main landmarks of local context, the spatial proximity between anchor spaces. The graphs of population and visitor statistics discourse that the transformation of post-industrial regions can revitalize the local settlement and therefore the case studies of contemporary mixed-use developments of the public domain address various phases and procedures to carry out the smart projects in accordance with public-private partnership.



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