영유아교사의 인성교육 지도역량 요인에 대한 요구도 분석

Demand Analysis of Factors of Teaching Competency for Character Education of Early Childhood Teachers

  • 고은경 (동아대학교 휴먼라이프리서치센터) ;
  • 전효정 (동아대학교 아동학과)
  • 투고 : 2016.09.26
  • 심사 : 2016.10.12
  • 발행 : 2016.10.31


The purpose of this study was to examine teaching competency for character education of early childhood teachers and their demands to improve their capacities. 152 kindergarten and child care teachers responded to 30 survey questionnaires, which included 3 sub-factors(commutative, practical, instrumental) of teaching competency for character education of the teachers, as well as 16 detailed components, designed to check their current competency for character education and to investigate the priority elements that they desired to improve. The data were analyzed based on the Borich request formula, the locus for focus model, and the independent sample t-test across the teacher groups. The results were as follows: Firstly, the most highly demanded teaching competency by the teachers was using tools interactively for character education. And the teachers, among the sub-elements, requested (a) recording and evaluating character education systematically, (b) using local or national resources, (c) planning member's participation, and (d) performing character education related activities systematically. Secondly, more new teachers demanded instrumental competency and answered the need of parents' participation among the sub-elements, more than the more experienced teachers, respectively. The study discussed the implications of promoting early childhood teachers' teaching competency for character education.



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