Modeling of Hydrodynamic Processes at a Large Leak of Water into Sodium in the Fast Reactor Coolant Circuit

  • Perevoznikov, Sergey (Joint Stock Company State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A.I. Leypunsky) ;
  • Shvetsov, Yuriy (Joint Stock Company State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A.I. Leypunsky) ;
  • Kamayev, Aleksey (Joint Stock Company State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A.I. Leypunsky) ;
  • Pakhomov, Ilia (Joint Stock Company State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A.I. Leypunsky) ;
  • Borisov, Viacheslav (Joint Stock Company State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A.I. Leypunsky) ;
  • Pazin, Gennadiy (Joint Stock Company State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A.I. Leypunsky) ;
  • Mirzeabasov, Oleg (Joint Stock Company State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A.I. Leypunsky) ;
  • Korzun, Olga (Joint Stock Company State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A.I. Leypunsky)
  • Received : 2015.04.21
  • Accepted : 2016.04.27
  • Published : 2016.10.25


In this paper, we describe a physicomathematical model of the processes that occur in a sodium circuit with a variable flow cross-section in the case of a water leak into sodium. The application area for this technique includes the possibility of analyzing consequences of this leak as applied to sodium-water steam generators in fast neutron reactors. Hydrodynamic processes that occur in sodium circuits in the event of a water leak are described within the framework of a one-dimensional thermally nonequilibrium three-component gas-liquid flow model (sodium-hydrogen-sodium hydroxide). Consideration is given to the results of a mathematical modeling of experiments involving steam injection into the sodium loop of a circulation test facility. That was done by means of the computer code in which the proposed model had been implemented.



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Cited by

  1. Spectroscopic, pressure and temperature measurements of the reactant mixing process in sodium-water reaction vol.364, pp.None, 2016,