Relationships between Peer- and Self-Evaluation in Team Based Learning Class for Engineering Students

공과대학생의 팀 기반 수업에서 동료평가와 자기평가의 관계

  • Hwang, Soonhee (Office for Education Accreditation, Pusan National University)
  • 황순희 (부산대학교 교육인증원)
  • Received : 2016.07.27
  • Accepted : 2016.08.30
  • Published : 2016.09.30


This paper aims to apply two ways of student evaluation, i.e. peer- and self-evaluation to TBL(team based learning) class and to explore the difference between two evaluations by gender and grade as well as their relationships, and finally to provide an explanation for the improvement of evaluation ways in TBL class. There has been much research about TBL and its related factors. However, according to the examination of both domestic and overseas researches concerning the application of peer- and self-evaluation to TBL class, few studies have focused on them in terms of the engineering curriculum. This study was conducted with 251 engineering students at P University, and peer- and self-evaluation in TBL class have been measured. Our findings show that firstly, there were significant grade differences in self-evaluation of engineering students. Second, there were no significant gender and grade differences in peer-evaluation. Third, we found a significant correlation between the two factors, self- and peer-evaluation. Also there was a significant correlation among variables of subcategories. Based on these findings, it is expected to provide an explanation for the application of peer- and self-evaluation in TBL class and will be useful for the improvement plans of the related courses in engineering school.



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