Design Requirements by Evaluating Comfort while Wearing Korean Naval Duty Uniforms for Summer and Winter

대한민국 동하절기 해군 함상복의 착용쾌적성 평가를 통한 디자인 요소 요구성능 분석

  • Lee, Hyo-Hyun (Research Institute for Human Ecology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Shin, Sora (Dept. of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee, Joo-Young (Research Institute for Human Ecology, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 2016.06.05
  • Accepted : 2016.08.16
  • Published : 2016.08.31


The purpose of the present study was to suggest the design requirements for Korean naval duty uniforms by evaluating the physiological and psychological comfort while wearing the uniforms. Two sets of wear trials were conducted with summer uniforms(eight young males) and winter uniforms(seven other young males). The summer wear trial consisted of 10-min rest, 60-min exercise, and 10-min recovery at an air temperature($T_{air} $) of $33^{\circ}C$ and 62%RH, followed by 10-min recovery at a $T_{air} $ of $23^{\circ}C$ and 64%RH(total 90 min). The winter wear trial consisted of 20-min rest at $T_{air} $ $20^{\circ}C$ and 55%RH, 25-min rest, 30-min exercise, and 35-min recovery at a $T_{air} $ of 0oC and 43%RH(total 110 min). Rectal and seven skin temperatures, clothing microclimate, heart rate, oxygen consumption, total sweat rate, and subjective perceptions were measured during the wear trials. By evaluating the experimental results from the wear trials, we extracted the following psycho-physiological design requirements to improve the current Korean naval uniforms: (1) It is important to maintain the skin temperatures within their comfort range, which depends on the body region (higher than $30^{\circ}C$ in winter, but less than $35^{\circ}C$ in summer). (2) In summer, the feet should be protected from the high heat of the ship floor surface. (3) In summer, sweat from the back should be sufficiently absorbed and allowed to dry quickly.



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