Relationship Quality between Unmarried Adult Children and Their Coresident Parents: Focus on Intergenerational Exchanges and Family Values

부모동거 미혼성인자녀의 부모자녀관계의 질과 관련요인: 세대 간 지원교환, 가족부양관을 중심으로

  • Received : 2016.06.30
  • Accepted : 2016.08.23
  • Published : 2016.08.31


This study explored the relationships between unmarried adult children and their coresident parents with a focus on the role of intergenerational exchanges and family values affecting parent-child relations. A total of 767 unmarried adult children who lived with their parents were selected from the data of the third National Korean Family Survey in 2015. The main findings were that coresident adult children exchange diverse resources with their parents and that exchange patterns whether receiving more or giving more differed depending on the helping dimensions. 'Receiving' type was more prominent in the dimension of practical help, while, 'receiving and giving' type was more noticeable in the dimension of emotional help. Findings also suggest that intergenerational exchange and family values contribute to parent-child relationship quality. While being an active provider of practical help is positively associated with relationship quality, being a recipient of emotional help is related to a higher level of relationship quality compared to being indifferent. In addition, a stronger value of family responsibility was associated with a higher level of relationship quality. These findings indicate that the importance of the practical and emotional component in the relationships between unmarried adult children and their co-resident parents and reciprocal intergenerational exchange and strong family values may be contributory factors to better parent-child relationships.



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