우세안의 방향과 강도에 따른 동적 입체시 비교

Comparison of Dynamic Stereoacuity According to Dominant Eye and Degree of Dominant Eye

  • 심문식 (광주보건대학교 안경광학과) ;
  • 심현석 (광주보건대학교 안경광학과) ;
  • 김영청 (광주보건대학교 안경광학과)
  • 투고 : 2016.07.11
  • 심사 : 2016.09.05
  • 발행 : 2016.09.30


목적: 본 연구는 우세안의 방향과 우세성의 강도, 우세안과 우세손 방향의 일치와 불일치 시의 동적 입체시를 비교해보았다. 방법: 평균연령 $21.06{\pm}2.21$세인 성인 130명(남자 70명, 여자60명)을 대상으로 $3.8cm{\times}3.8cm$ 직경의 가는 링을 이용한 타각적인 방법으로 우세안(dominant eye)의 방향과 강도를 측정하였고, 삼간계(three-rods test, iNT, Korea)를 이용하여 동적 입체시(dynamic stereoacuity)를 측정하였다. 결과: 우세안의 방향에 따른 동적 입체시는 우세성이 없는 중심우세안일 때 $14.97{\pm}13.80$초, 우안 $22.10{\pm}20.01$초, 좌안 $22.31{\pm}20.39$초로 눈의 우세성이 없을 때 더 좋았으나 우세안의 방향과 동적 입체시의 상관성은 매우 낮았다. 우세안의 강도를 Center, Mild, Strong로 구분하였을 때 동적 입체시는 각각 $14.97{\pm}13.80$초, $20.76{\pm}15.73$초, $24.45{\pm}25.60$초로 우세성이 강할수록 나빠지는 결과를 보였으나 우세안 좌안에서 우세성이 Strong으로 강할 때 오히려 동적 입체시가 중심우세보다도 더 좋게 나타났다. 우세안과 우세손 방향에 따른 동적 입체시는 우안과 오른손일 때 $22.63{\pm}20.54$초, 좌안과 왼손일 때 $17.36{\pm}10.13$초, 우안과 왼손일 때 $14.79{\pm}7.05$초, 좌안과 오른손일 때 $22.97{\pm}21.42$초로 나타나 상대적으로 우세손이 오른손보다 왼손인 경우가 빈도수는 낮았으나 동적 입체시는 우세손이 왼손일 때 비교적 좋게 나타났다. 결론: 우세안의 방향과 강도에 따른 동적 입체시의 상관성은 낮았으나 눈의 우세성이 없을때 14.97초, Strong 일 때 24.45초로 우세안 강도가 강할 때 동적 입체시가 나빠지는 경향을 보였다. 따라서 우세안 방향과 강도는 입체시와 같은 양안시기능과 sport vision training, 노안교정과 mono vision과 같은 시력교정 시에 양안균형 면에서 착용자에게 좀 더 편안한 처방을 하는데 고려되어야 요소로 사료된다.

Purpose: On this study, we compared the relationship of dynamic stereoacuity according to the dominant eye, degree of dominant eye, and dominant agreement eye and hand. Methods: For 130 adults (male 70, female 60), mean age of $21.06{\pm}2.21years$ old, dominant eye, degree of dominant eye were measured by objective examination by using the diameter $3.8cm{\times}3.8cm$ thin ring, the dynamic stereoacuity were measured by three-rods test (iNT, Korea). Results: Dynamic stereoacuity according to the dominant eye was center dominant eye without dominance was $14.97{\pm}13.80sec$ of arc, right eye $22.10{\pm}20.01sec$ of arc, left eye $22.31{\pm}20.39sec$ of arc. Dynamic stereoacuity was better when there was no dominance, but the correlation of the dominant eye with dynamic stereoacuity was very low. When Dynamic stereoacuity was separated by in the Center, Mild, Strong, dynamic stereoacuity was $14.97{\pm}13.80sec$ of arc, $20.76{\pm}15.73sec$ of arc and $24.45{\pm}25.60sec$ of arc respectively. The dynamic stereoacuity results were worse when dominance was stonger. However dynamic stereoacuity was better than Center when the degree of dominant eye was rather strong in the dominant left eye. Dynamic stereoacuity according to the dominant eye and hand showed that right eye and hand was $22.63{\pm}20.54sec$ of arc, left eye and hand was $17.36{\pm}10.13sec$ of arc, right eye and left hand was $14.79{\pm}7.05sec$ of arc, left eye and right hand was $22.97{\pm}21.42sec$ of arc so dynamic stereoacuity was comparatively good when the dominant hand was left. Conculsions: Correlation between the dynamic stereoacuity according to the dominant eye, degree of dominant eye was low, however when degree of dominant eye was Center 14.97 sec of arc, Strong 24.45 sec of arc, the dynamic stereoacuity tended to worse when degree of dominant eye was strong. As a result, dominant eye, degree of dominant eye would have to be considered in a more comfortable binocular balance between prescribed for the wearer in binocular vision correction in binocular function such stereoacuity, sports vision training, presbyopia correction and mono vision.



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피인용 문헌

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  4. Retrospective Cohort Survey on Post Stroke Recovery in Accordance With Hand Dominance. vol.26, pp.1, 2018,
  5. Consistency of Results Between Dominant Eye Tests : The Effect of Degree of Eye Dominance vol.23, pp.4, 2018,
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