Developing Metacognitive Skills of Mathematics Learners

  • Received : 2015.09.27
  • Accepted : 2016.03.24
  • Published : 2016.03.31


Metacognition means "thinking about one's own thinking". There are generally two aspects of metacognition: i) Reflection - thinking about what we know; and ii) Self-regulation - managing how we go about learning. Developing metacognitive abilities is not simply about becoming reflective learners, but about acquiring specific learning strategies as well. There are several strategies that may be used by teachers to develop metacognitive skills amongst learners. As part of a Professional Development project secondary school mathematics teachers have been developing their knowledge and skills to teach for metacognition. In this paper we analyze two lessons presented by groups of teachers in the project and tease out similarities and differences between the lessons that afford or hinder the development of metacognitive skills of learners.



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