uTradeHub 활성화 방안에 관한 실증 분석

An Emperical Study on Activation of uTradehub

  • 최태광 (한국무역정보통신 금융서비스팀) ;
  • 류승열 (단국대학교 글로벌 e-SCM 학과)
  • 투고 : 2016.08.03
  • 심사 : 2016.08.26
  • 발행 : 2016.08.31


As the rapid development of IT and the internet changed the trading method from the traditional offline transaction into the online e-Trading, the international documentation standards, the eUCP and the domestic laws and legislations have been established, adapting to the new e-Trading environment. This study was conducted to analyze the factors which affect the use of uTradeHub on the domestic trading companies and trade-related organizations and suggest how to activate e-Trading. To do this, classify the users into the enterprises and the trade-related organizations, set up the hypothesis of the study with the measurement variables of the user convenience, the new service, the system suitability and the legislation environment and carry out a survey targeting the trading companies and the trade-related offices to do an actual proof analysis. The analysis was performed by using the statistical program, SPSS IBM22.0, and the study hypothesis was tested by the multiple regression analysis methodology. The test result showed that the trading companies set a high value on the user convenience, the new service and the legislation environment of uTradeHub, meanwhile the trade-related organizations regarded the system security and reliability, the user convenience and the legislation environment as the major affecting factor on the use of uTradeHub.



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