IoT Delegate: Smart Home Framework for Heterogeneous IoT Service Collaboration

  • Kum, Seung Woo (Department of Computer and Software, Hanyang University) ;
  • Kang, Mingoo (Dept. of IT Contents, Hanshin University, Hanshin University) ;
  • Park, Jong-Il (Department of Computer and Software, Hanyang University)
  • 투고 : 2016.05.09
  • 심사 : 2016.08.01
  • 발행 : 2016.08.31


With Internet of Things (IoT) technology, home environment becomes smarter than ever. Not only smart devices such as smart phone or smart TV, but also various IoT devices including sensor, smart thermostat, and smart scale has now become very common on the market. These devices have connectivity to the Internet, so that user can read data from the device or control the device using Internet technology. However, due to diversity of smart home requirements, device collaboration in smart home remains a challenging task still. Usually smart home is built with various technologies to fulfill its own purpose, and these purposes cover very wide area from controlling low-power sensor devices to controlling high-performance devices like smart TV and smart phone. This variety of smart home requirements makes smart home very complicated due to mixed network architecture, protocol and technology. In this paper, a framework to enable managing and collaborating heterogeneous IoT devices in smart home environment is proposed. Several programming models are defined in the proposed framework to make application development for heterogeneous devices more intuitive. The proposed framework has been implemented as a web service, and a case study with real-world smart home IoT devices is presented.


1. Introduction

With the advance of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, connectivity has been added to number of home sensors and devices. It's not just smart TV, smart SetTop-Box or smart phones. Sensor devices such as proximity sensor, IR sensor or open/close sensor have low-power Zigbee or Z-Wave connection, but can access the Internet with the help from smart home gateways. For example, door locks have Z-Wave connectivity to let user know its status and control it. It becomes quite common experience to have notification on user smart phone when motion is detected in motion sensor in your living room. User can read temperature, humidity, CO2 level, noise level and much more data from IoT-enabled sensor to his/her smart phone. Also, conventional home appliances such as refrigerator, washing machine and microwave oven have IP-based connectivity to guide user for better experiences. Refrigerator can show its contents in it by list or the camera installed, microwave oven can download recipes from the Internet, coffee maker, heater and air conditioner can be set with smart phone. It's not just control, multi media contents can be shared between audio video home appliances, and with mirroring each screen can be transmitted to the other device in real-time. This connectivity in Things in home makes home much smarter, and provides rich experience to home members.

Smart home is quite a complex environment since lots of different use cases co-exist for each of family members. Smart home is not easy to be defined as a single architecture due to different requirements from various use cases. For example, let’s take a look on sharing multimedia contents between to audio video appliances. In this case, peer-to-peer ad-hoc network between two smart home devices seems enough, since user is not likely try to send his screen of office PC to a TV in his living room. Also, transmitting contents is confined between neighboring devices, so no Internet connection is required. For Device control use case, requirements become quite different. User may want to know whether the door lock is closed or not in his office, or any unexpected motion is detected in his living room. In this case, the smart home device needs to be connected to the Internet so that user can read data from the device or set the device remotely. So, server-client network and server in the Internet is required. There are requirements other than network architecture for sensors. Sensors shall be small, and its power consumption shall be as low as possible. To meet these requirements, IoT sensors use protocols for low power consumption like Zigbee, Z-Wave or Bluetooth Low Energy instead of IP network. Since these protocols are not based on IP, a gateway device is needed for Internet connection. These are only a few of practical use case in smart home, and these few examples are using all different network architecture and different protocols. This heterogeneous nature of smart home makes device interaction difficult. Some of smart home device manufactures provide their own vendor-specific Open APIs to resolve this problem. But since they are vendor-specific based on independent architecture, building application for collaboration is quite complex task.

To address these issues in smart home IoT environment, IoT Delegate: a framework for heterogeneous Home IoT device collaboration is proposed. The proposed framework aims to provide an ecosystem for smart home application development and provisioning of smart home IoT appliances. To this purpose, two programming models are defined in the proposed framework. Smart Home IoT Programming Model is defined to deliver high-level programming architecture, which encapsulates device-specific knowledge from application development. IoT Device Harmonization Programming Model, which provides methods for interaction between IoT devices and/or services. Combined with these models, the proposed framework enables easier, faster and intuitive development of heterogeneous home IoT applications.

This paper is organized into sections as follows: Related researches and works are presented in Section 2. In Section 3, characteristics of various home IoT architectures are investigated, followed by overview of IoT Delegate framework. Section 4 describes Smart Home IoT Programming Model and IoT Device Harmonization Programming Model. Section 5 describes the implementation of a service system and applications based on proposed framework. Conclusion remarks are presented in Section 6.


2. Related Works

Recent approach about IoT application development includes researches about data and device integration based on Service Oriented Architecture and WS-BPEL. Guinard et al. [1] proposed a system architecture to enable communication enterprise applications and physical devices. Pintus et al. [2] employed WSDL to abstract Web Services into Things. There are several researches about implementing IoT Services [3] and providing collaboration between devices [4][5][6]. PatRICIA [7] used Intent and IntentScope programming model. These approaches aim to abstract devices and services into Things and enable collaboration between Things in a service.

Various protocols are being employed in IoT [8], and there are researches to harmonize heterogeneous network devices. Brut et al. [9] proposed an infrastructure to provide device interoperability using protocol bridge and gateway device. Bosman et al. proposed gateway architecture for interoperability between SOA and UPnP. Jin et al. [10] proposed a framework to build Smart City using IoT sensors. Cirani et al. [11] proposed IoT Gateway-based architecture for Service Discovery. These approaches employ a specific gateway device to provide interoperability. There are also researches about IoT based on specific network protocol such as XMPP [12] or RESTful [13]. Most recent research on IoT includes finding context-awareness in home network and relationship analysis between activities. Son et al. proposed a system describing resouce relation between smart home devices[14]. DU et al. [15] uses user emotion for device collaboration. Jin et al. [16] suggested a method to detect spatio-temporal relationship from a Pub-Sub system. Machine learning algorithms are adopted to find the relationship [17]. These works proposed architectures for harmonization of heterogeneous network in protocol level or middleware level within a single architecture The proposed framework defines service-level architecture, which enables inter-service application development without prior knowledge about specific protocols.


3. IoT Delegate

3.1 Smart Home IoT Models

Smart home is a mixture of independent technologies (in aspect of architecture and protocol) to accommodate various use cases in home network. To manage multiple network architecture within smart home efficiently, first it needs to classify various network architectures used in home network with respect to its characteristics. Among many characteristics, network topology, network medium, popular use case are considered for the classification, and it covers current IoT services and devices available in market as well as IoT standards.

Peer-to-Peer Model: Peer-to-peer direct connection between two end devices: one is controller, and the other is controlled device. This model provides proximal connectivity. For IP-based devices, UDP-based protocols like SSDP or mDNS are used to create ad-hoc network between devices. Application resides in end device. UPnP MediaServer and MediaRenderer are classified into this model. Also, Bluetooth connection between smart phone and Bluetooth speaker fits this model. All data are stored in the controller. Since it is an ad-hoc network, data stored in controller may not be permanent.

Server-Client Model: Two end devices (controller and controlled device) communicate with server. No direct connection between end devices. User identification and paring with device are processed on the server side. User data and device data are stored on the server also. Specific APIs and secure delegated access methods are provided for third party developer to access the server.

IP Gateway Model: Gateway is added between server and controlled device in Server-Client Model.

Non-IP Gateway Model: Gateway is added between server and controlled device in Server-Client Model. In this model, controlled device uses non-IP protocol such as Bluetooth and ZigBee.

The last three models are based on server-client architecture, and to process large number of customers and their device information, implemented on cloud architecture. In this paper, these models are referred as cloud-scale IoT services. To our survey, all the existing smart home IoT device or service can be categorized within these models.

According to these classifications, the major requirements for our framework include:

1) Providing a programming model to raise the level of abstraction by decoupling device knowledge implementation from its usage,

2) Providing a programming model to collaborate heterogeneous smart home IoT devices,

3) Providing better performance for application with multiple IoT services.

3.2 Overview of IoT Delegate

Fig. 1 shows structure of the proposed framework. IoT Delegate consists of 3 major blocks: IoT Plug-In Manager Layer, Service Management Layer and Service Collaboration Layer. The main purpose of IoT Delegate is to provide access to heterogenious IoT devices regardless of its architecture or protocol and this functionality is provided with IoT Plug-In. Each IoT Plug-In is an abstraction of corresponding IoT services. This abstraction removes dependency of specific architecture or protocol of IoT services. From the viewpoint of implementation, IoT Plug-In is an application for corresponding IoT service wrapped by a common API set. For example, if IoT Plug-In A is for peer-to-peer Bluetooth connection with wearable smart band, Bluetooth protocol is going to be implemented in IoT Plug-In A, and the functionality of wearable smart band is presented with common API set. IoT Plug-In Manager layer processes requests and responses to IoT service entity. It has multiple IoT Plug-Ins which are implementations of IoT device communication.

Fig. 1.High-level architecture of IoT Delegate

Service Management Layer generates DataChannels which are abstraction entities of device resource. Device management (control and monitoring) is processed with DataChannel. Writing desired value in DataChannel will control device resource, or reading values on DataChannel will return updated value from device resource. Type of DataChannel is URI, and uses HTML messages with JSON-formatted data in it. Methods to manipulating DataChannel are defined with IoT Device Harmonization API (IDH API) [18].

Service Collaboration Layer uses DataChannel to create collaboration of heterogeneous devices. Collaboration between device resources is defined as Intention. Intention along with DataChannel encapsulates device information and decouples all device/service specific information from application development. This layer provides Intention API [18] for application development using Intention.

Fig. 2 shows how IoT Delegate framework communicates with other cloud-scale IoT services. The proposed framework locates between an application and multiple IoT services, and works as a proxy or gateway. IoT Delegate gathers IoT device state from IoT service or IoT device itself, and save them to a database. This flow can bring faster response time for IoT service application. Since IoT delegate holds data from IoT devices, the application needs to access IoT delegate only, instead of multiple requests to each IoT services.

Fig. 2.Message flow between IoT Delegate, cloud-scale IoT Service and service application



There are two programming models in IoT Delegate. The first one is called Smart Home IoT Programming Model which generates DataChannel to manage device resources. The other one is IoT Device Harmonization Programming Model, and it provides Intention API for device collaboration.

4.1 Smart Home IoT Models

As mentioned above, there are many architectures for IoT, and they use vendor-specific architecture with vendor-specific APIs. The concept fo IDH API is to provide a common set API to harmonize heterogeneus devices / services. Device specific APIs vary from vendor to vendor, but there are several common tasks which can be grouped in the same category. IoT Device Harmonization API use 3 categories to build common API set: Authorization, Control and Event. Authorization API handles authorization as its name implies, and also delegation of service access. Existing IoT services uses Internet protocols such as oAuth to delegate resource access to an application securely. After successful delegation, resource can be accessed with various API formats such as JSON object on RESTful architecture or SOAP message over HTTP. This is done with Control API. Control API provides unique URI and data format to control each devices. If device state changes, it can be detected by long polling, event subscription or GENA protocol. This is done by Event API.

These modules enable accessing resource of a device. Resource-related data is stored in database of IoT Delegate. Fig. 3 shows example database structure of the proposed framework. The boxes in the first row show data structure of Authorization Module. Vendor-specific data for authorization like access_token, bridge_id are located in those tables. The Boxes in the second row show data structure for resource state. Data read from device resource are stored in those tables.

Fig. 3.IoT Plug-In data structure.

Device status or data from a device can be accessed via DataChannel entity. DataChannel is representation of device resource in application level. By writing to and reading from the DataChannel, application can control and access specific device resource. To provide device-independent of Smart Home IoT Programming Model, RESTful architecture is used instead of defining methods. Specific URI is defined by combination of the resource name, type and identification for a DataChannel with HTTP commands.

4.2 IoT Device Harmonization Programming Model

The IoT Device Harmonization Programming Model provides framework to setup device collaboration between smart home devices regardless of which IoT technology it’s based on. This collaboration is defined as Intention. Intention consists of two parts: Trigger and Action. Intention interprets as ‘When Trigger occurs, process this Action’. For example, ‘When indoor temperature is higher than 26 degrees Celsius, turn on the air conditioner in COOL mode’. In this example, ‘When indoor temperate is higher than 26 degrees Celsius’ is Trigger, and ‘turn on the air conditioner in COOL mode’ is Action. Multiple Actions can reside in one Intention, and Intention can be nested.

IoT Device Delegate provides service abstraction APIs for services. These APIs are called IoT Device Harmonization (IDH) API. IDH API is defined in RESTful architecture. To set up an Intention, application setup Intention in XML format and sends it to the Intention Manager. When Intention Manager receives Intention, it parses DataChannel parameter in Trigger, and subscribe to corresponding data source. And then, it registers callback function to invoke actions described in Action parameter. Multiple Actions for a single Trigger is available. Pseudo code for application using Intention is given in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.Sample Psuedo Code of IDH API application


5. Implementation and Evaluation

The aim of IoT Delegate framework is to provide a framework for collaboration between heterogeneous devices for smart home. To evaluate this interaction, a specific service scenario is required. Among many service scenarios, health care service on smart devices was chosen. The proposed framework is for real-world devices rather than conceptual ones. So instead of using simulator or proof-of-concept device, all the implementation is done with devices available on the market.

To verify collaboration based on DataChannels and Intentions, a test bed has been setup. Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 shows configuration of test bed. Testbed consists of devices from 4 cloud-scale IoT services and 2 proximity-based IoT services, with one server and two clients (smart TV and smart tablet). Detailed implementation of IoT Delegate and Health applications is described here.

Fig. 5.Test bed setup for IoT Delegate Evaluation

Fig. 6.Test-bed configuration with real-world devices

5.1 Implementation of IoT Delegate

IoT Delegate has been implemented as a Server Application with PHP script language and node.js. For the IoT Plug-in, total six IoT Plug-ins have been implemented. Four of them are cloud-scale IoT services and the others are peer-to-peer services. These IoT Plug-ins are implemented using vendor-specific APIs corresponding to each related service, and provided common API set for Authorization, Control and Event. Characteristics of each IoT Plug-ins are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.Details of IoT Plug-In Implementation

To receive data from each IoT Plug-in, 23 DataChannels are implemented with PHP. Table 2 shows implemented DataChannels from each device in IoT Delegate. Each IoT Plug-in communicates with corresponding device, and all the data read from device are saved in device information repository in IoT Delegate. DataChannel in IoT Delegate is implemented in RESTful architecture with designated URI. Each data channel has specific URI for data submission and retrieval. Data can be updated and read by HTTP PUT and HTTP GET message to designated URI respectively. To receive update from DataChannel, a bi-directional Web Socket is implemented with node.js. Web Socket URI is composed of DataChannel URI appended by “/websocket” string.

Table 2.Details of IoT Plug-In DataChannel Implementation

User interface for IoT Delegates are designed to display device resource data and control them from/to various DataChannels. All user interfaces are built with HTML5, so that any web browser or hybrid web-app can be used to access IoT Delegate. Fig. 7 shows UI on smart tablet.

Fig. 7.Horizontal IoT Delegate Application on smart tablet: Data values from various DataChannels are displayed and updated.

5.2 Health Application with IDH

To evaluate IDH programming model, a web service applications with Intentions has been implemented: HealthCue. This application is built as a Web application on cloud service, with DataChannel and Intention APIs. HealthCue application provides access to 3 clouds-scale IoT services (NetAtmo, Withings and Fitbit), one proximity IoT service (Wahoo Bicycle Trainer) simulatneously. HealthCue application displays data from each cloud-scale IoT services such as temperature, weight and step count via DataChannel API, and displays user activity data from Wahoo Bicycle Trainer in real-time on a single screen.

Implementation of HealthCue is shown on Fig. 8. On the right side of Fig. 8, there are 2x2 blocks each indicating data read from corresponding DataChannels. On the left, there is a circle which indicates Speed DataChannel read from Smart Bicycle device in real-time. Intention of HealthCue is defined as follows:

Fig. 8.HealthCue Application on smart TV

Trigger: Speed DataChannel changes value 0 from non-zero.

Action1: Turn on Smart air conditioner with respect to temperature value from Temperature DataChannel of Smart Weather Sensor device.

Action2: Turn on Light device.

Action3: Play music on controller device.

5.3 Performance Evaluation of IoT Delegate Service

To evaluate performance of IoT Delegate, round-trip delay of IoT service request is measured. IoT Delegate works as a gateway or proxy for individual IoT services, and it can be assumed that at least one hop has been added comparing to normal cloud-scale IoT services. However, IoT Delegate stores data from individual cloud-scale IoT servies and this can save significant amout of round-trip delay. Instead of accessing individual cloud-scale IoT service sequentially, only one request is required with IoT Delegate. The performace becomes even better if a service uses more cloud-scale IoT services. This is because most of HTML5 documents are loaded into memory and then run sequentially. Without IoT Delegate, a service page need to access every cloud-scale IoT services to gather data from them. With IoT Delegate, web browser need to access IoT Delegate only once.

Fig. 9 shows round-trip delay of HealthCue application with and without IoT Delegate. HealthCue uses three cloud-scale IoT service as well as one peer-to-peer IoT service. To access each IoT service in HealthCue, it takes average 5,527ms. With IoT Delegate, it takes only 163ms (average) to receive the same amount of data.

Fig. 9.Round-trip delay of HealthCue Service


6. Conclusion and Remarks

In this paper, IoT Delegate Framework for heterogeneous Smart Home IoT collaboration is proposed. Each device resource is abstracted to the DataChannel. Data Channels provide methods to access device resource with platform-independent RESTful architecture. To harmonize each smart home IoT device (which is DataChannel) more intuitively, an IDH API has been proposed. IDH API provides simple set of APIs for device collaboration: Trigger, Action and Intention. Two applications have been implemented with IDH API on smart TV, and they work properly as directed in Intentions. These two programming models which are defined in the framework provides more intuitive smart home development environment.

Implementation with real-world devices showed a practical example of application development using the proposed framework. Total six IoT Plug-ins are implemented for smart home devices and services. 23 DataChannels are implemented based on these Plug-in’s, and used to create Intention for the applications. HeathCue service, showed real-time collaboration between heterogeneous smart home IoT devices. IoT Delegate showed better performance for service delivery time.

In the future, autonomous device collaboration service is going to be implemented based on the proposed framework. One of distinguishing features of the proposed framework is DataModel which describes IoT activity with timing data. By using this model, it can store all the user activities and temporal information regarding IoT. These IoT Activity logs with timing data are very valuable asset to build autonomous IoT collaboration. By adopting various machine learning algorithms to this IoT activity log, temporal relationship between IoT activities can be found and practical autonomous IoT collaboration service can be realized.


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