National Culture and Relational Selling: Antecedents, Outcomes and Boundary Conditions of ASB and Customer-Oriented Selling in Korea

  • Park, Jeong Eun (Ewha School of Business) ;
  • Deitz, George D. (The University of Memphis)
  • Received : 2016.03.16
  • Accepted : 2016.04.18
  • Published : 2016.04.30


Globalization and the emergence of new markets has placed increased emphasis on cross-cultural sales and marketing research. Despite considerable advances in the personal selling literature, little is known about the cross-cultural transferability of key constructs. Given the degree to which well-accepted relational sales behaviors such as ASB and customer oriented selling reflect Western values such as individualism and low uncertainty avoidance, the relative efficacy of such practices in alternative cultural context is less clear. Using a Korean sample, our results confirm the beneficial direct effects of these relational selling practices upon performance. However, we also find strong workgroup interdependence diminishes the effects of ASB and that performance fully mediates the relationship between both sales behaviors and job satisfaction. In contrast to prior results, we find female salespeople and those newer to their position demonstrate stronger ASB.



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