The Spatial Characteristics of Playgrounds Supporting Children's Creativity

창의성 증진을 위한 국내놀이터 공간특성 및 개선방안 연구

  • 윤여란 (조선대학교 문화학과) ;
  • 문정민 (조선대학교 실내디자인과)
  • Received : 2015.12.31
  • Accepted : 2016.07.04
  • Published : 2016.08.31


As the paradigm which emphasizes nurturing creative elites is introduced, more attention has been paid to children playing and their creativity. This change means that the importance of creativity is emphasized in the education of children, and furthermore, playgrounds which focus on creativity and imagination are needed. Therefore, this study examines the spatial characteristics of playgrounds for children and suggested strategies to improve them. There are five spatial characteristics of a creative playground: aesthetics, being eco-friendly, exploration, challenging and variable. Through the five characteristics, playgrounds were analysed based on ten expressive elements and the results are summarized: Creative playgrounds for children should have an attractive design with sculptural elements which stimulate children to be excited through associable shapes and abstract colors. Second, shelter type structures and a flexible flow design are needed so that children can feel free and be encouraged to explore in diverse ways. Third, as playgrounds for children provide spaces for rest in addition to play, organic facilities and eco-friendly materials for the rest space should to be used. Fourth, as childhood is a period when emotional, cognitive and physical development are achieved, organic geographical features and atypical facilities should be provided so that children can acquire extensive skills and join in physical activities. Finally, creative playgrounds for children should have mobile or variable facilities which consider the characteristics of children who want to do diverse activities and play different games. This study analysed playgrounds for children and suggested strategies to improve them. For successful design and use of creative playgrounds, it is suggested that intensive research on them and consultation with experts should be considered.



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