Narrative Inquiry on a Scientifically Gifted Elementary School Student's Loneliness

한 초등과학 영재의 외로움에 대한 내러티브 탐구

  • Received : 2016.08.08
  • Accepted : 2016.08.28
  • Published : 2016.08.31


This study was done by narrative inquiry, suggested by Clandinin and Conelly (2000), in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the loneliness experienced by a scientifically gifted elementary school student. The participant of this study was sixth grade student from the Institute for Science Gifted in C University. The data were gathered via in-depth interviews and observations on the participant and her teachers. Based on these research findings, this study can make the following four conclusions with regard to the loneliness experienced by a gifted elementary school student in science. First, some characteristics of the gifted child may make her feel loneliness in the relationships she has with peers, siblings, and parents. Second, parent's repression makes the gifted child feels lonely. Third, the gifted child who feels lonely get consolation from her own subjective world and wants to get recognition from others. Fourth, the educational institute for the gifted serves as a place of education that fosters the gifted child's cognitive development and simultaneously it is where she can form positive relationships with her peers, as well as being a place of emotional comfort.



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