Fatigue Strength Evaluation of Self-Piercing Riveted Al 5052-H32 Joints under Mixed Mode Loading Conditions

혼합모드상태에서의 Al 5052-H32 셀프 피어싱 리벳 접합부의 피로강도 평가

  • Kwak, Jin Gu (Department of Automotive Engineering, Graduate School, Seoul National University of Science & Technology) ;
  • Kang, Se Hyung (Department of Automotive Engineering, Graduate School, Seoul National University of Science & Technology) ;
  • Kim, Ho Kyung (Department of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, Seoul National University of Science & Technology)
  • 곽진구 (서울과학기술대학교 대학원 자동차공학과) ;
  • 강세형 (서울과학기술대학교 대학원 자동차공학과) ;
  • 김호경 (서울과학기술대학교 기계.자동차공학과)
  • Received : 2015.12.29
  • Accepted : 2016.06.15
  • Published : 2016.06.30


In this study, static and fatigue tests on the self-piercing riveted (SPR) joint were conducted using cross-shaped specimens with aluminum alloy (Al-5052) sheets. Mixed mode loading was achieved by changing the loading angles of 0, 45, and 90 degrees using a special fixture to evaluate the static and fatigue strengths of the SPR joints under mixed mode loading conditions. Simulations of the specimens at three loading angles were carried out using the finite element code ABAQUS. The fatigue specimens failed in an interfacial mode where a crack initiated at the upper sheet and propagated along the longitudinal direction and finally fractured Maximum principal stress, von-Mises effective stress failed to correlate the fatigue lifetimes at three loading angles. However, the equivalent stress intensity factor was found to be appropriate to correlate the fatigue lifetimes at three loading angles.



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