Strategy for refinement of nodal densities and integration cells in EFG technique

  • Patel, Bhavana S.S. (National Institute of Technology Karnataka) ;
  • Narayan, Babu K.S. (National Institute of Technology Karnataka) ;
  • Venkataramana, Katta (National Institute of Technology Karnataka)
  • 투고 : 2015.08.15
  • 심사 : 2016.06.28
  • 발행 : 2016.09.10


MeshFree methods have become popular owing to the ease with which high stress gradients can be identified and node density distribution can be reformulated to accomplish faster convergence. This paper presents a strategy for nodal density refinement with strain energy as basis in Element-Free Galerkin MeshFree technique. Two popular flat plate problems are considered for the demonstration of the proposed strategies. Issue of integration errors introduced during nodal density refinement have been addressed by suggesting integration cell refinement. High stress effects around two symmetrical semi-circular notches under in-plane axial load have been addressed in the first problem. The second considers crack propagation under mode I and mode II fracture loading by the way of introducing high stress intensity through line crack. The computational efficacy of the adaptive refinement strategies proposed has been highlighted.



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