대학생의 공동체 의식에 영향을 미치는 요인 - 평택대학교 학생을 대상으로 -

College Sense of Community in Relations to College-Related Characteristics - Focused on Pyeongtaek University -

  • 임광명 (평택대학교 교양교육과)
  • 투고 : 2016.05.20
  • 심사 : 2016.06.18
  • 발행 : 2016.06.30


Nowadays a sense of community based on our community further weakens due to globalization, industrialization, the development of transportation and communication, etc and the community as cultural and psychological units is focused on. In other words, the concept that emphasizes the aspect of 'we' sharing the unique value and goal of community is used. In this current situation, school as an important community organization has been in the spotlight. In particular, college compared with other communities has a special influence on the community. Therefore it is regarded as an important community organization and its importance as part of our efforts to decrease the college students wastage rates continues to grow. The study about school as an important community organization has been conducted actively. However the people in most studies are elementary, middle, and high school students, so there are limitations to what these study findings apply to college. Therefore, this study conducted factor analysis of college sense of community for local college students, categorized it, analyzed the factors having influence on each factor and then looked for suggestions of ways to strengthen college sense of community. According to study, sense of community is categorized into three factors such as 'sense of belonging', 'sense of solidarity', and 'sense of emotional closeness'. After analyzing the factors influencing types of sense of community, factors relevant to them are grades, intimate friends, subjective well-being, community volunteer work, college service satisfaction, and so on.



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피인용 문헌

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