자기해석과 자기감시가 브랜드 가시성에 따라 제품 선호에 미치는 영향

Influence of Self-construal and Self-monitoring on Brand Product Preference -Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Brand Visibility-

  • 투고 : 2016.02.01
  • 심사 : 2016.05.26
  • 발행 : 2016.06.30


This study investigated the influence of consumers' self-construal and self-monitoring on brand product preference by moderating brand visibility. Brand visibility consisted of product typicality and brand salience. The study results showed that respondents preferred products with high product typicality and low brand salience. Respondents with interdependent self-construal and high self-monitoring also showed a higher preference for high product typicality and low brand salience versus respondents with independent self-construal and low self-monitoring. Respondents preferred a product when they recognized a brand name, but brand visibility should be exposed naturally. Based on these results, this study has practical implications for the importance of maintaining brand identity and the appropriacy of brand logo size.



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