Piloting the FBDC Model to Estimate Forest Carbon Dynamics in Bhutan

  • Lee, Jongyeol (Department of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Graduate School, Korea University) ;
  • Dorji, Nim (Department of Research, Wang Research and Consultancy) ;
  • Kim, Seongjun (Department of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Graduate School, Korea University) ;
  • Wang, Sonam Wangyel (Department of Research, Wang Research and Consultancy) ;
  • Son, Yowhan (Department of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Graduate School, Korea University)
  • 투고 : 2016.05.02
  • 심사 : 2016.06.16
  • 발행 : 2016.06.30


Bhutanese forests have been well preserved and can sequester the atmospheric carbon (C). In spite of its importance, understanding Bhutanese forest C dynamics was very limited due to the lack of available data. However, forest C model can simulate forest C dynamics with comparatively limited data and references. In this study, we aimed to simulate Bhutanese forest C dynamics at 6 plots with the Forest Biomass and Dead organic matter Carbon (FBDC) model, which can simulate forest C cycles with small amount of input data. The total forest C stock ($Mg\;C\;ha^{-1}$) ranged from 118.35 to 200.04 with an average of 168.41. The C stocks ($Mg\;C\;ha^{-1}$) in biomass, litter, dead wood, and mineral soil were 3.40-88.13, 4.24-24.95, 1.99-20.31, 91.45-97.90, respectively. On average, the biomass, litter, dead wood, and mineral soil accounted for 36.0, 5.5, 2.5, and 56.0% of the total C stocks, respectively. Although our modeling approach was applied at a small pilot scale, it exhibited a potential to report Bhutanese forest C inventory with reliable methodology. In order to report the national forest C inventory, field work for major tree species and forest types in Bhutan are required.



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