Flow-induced pressure fluctuations of a moderate Reynolds number jet interacting with a tangential flat plate

  • Received : 2015.05.28
  • Accepted : 2015.07.15
  • Published : 2016.07.25


The increase of air traffic volume has brought an increasing amount of issues related to carbon and NOx emissions and noise pollution. Aircraft manufacturers are concentrating their efforts to develop technologies to increase aircraft efficiency and consequently to reduce pollutant discharge and noise emission. Ultra High By-Pass Ratio engine concepts provide reduction of fuel consumption and noise emission thanks to a decrease of the jet velocity exhausting from the engine nozzles. In order to keep same thrust, mass flow and therefore section of fan/nacelle diameter should be increased to compensate velocity reduction. Such feature will lead to close-coupled architectures for engine installation under the wing. A strong jet-wing interaction resulting in a change of turbulent mixing in the aeroacoustic field as well as noise enhancement due to reflection phenomena are therefore expected. On the other hand, pressure fluctuations on the wing as well as on the fuselage represent the forcing loads, which stress panels causing vibrations. Some of these vibrations are re-emitted in the aeroacoustic field as vibration noise, some of them are transmitted in the cockpit as interior noise. In the present work, the interaction between a jet and wing or fuselage is reproduced by a flat surface tangential to an incompressible jet at different radial distances from the nozzle axis. The change in the aerodynamic field due to the presence of the rigid plate was studied by hot wire anemometric measurements, which provided a characterization of mean and fluctuating velocity fields in the jet plume. Pressure fluctuations acting on the flat plate were studied by cavity-mounted microphones which provided point-wise measurements in stream-wise and spanwise directions. Statistical description of velocity and wall pressure fields are determined in terms of Fourier-domain quantities. Scaling laws for pressure auto-spectra and coherence functions are also presented.



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