Factors Affecting the Success of Construction Projects in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

  • Musarat, M. Ali (Iqra National University Peshawar) ;
  • Ahad, M. Zeeshan (Iqra National University Peshawar)
  • 발행 : 2016.12.01


Construction industry ranks as the largest industry and imparts a significant part in developing and achieving the aims of society. Due to the involvement of larger number of stakeholders, construction industry is complex in nature. The current study is designed to identify and evaluate the factors affecting the success of construction projects in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. To carry out the study, a questionnaire was developed in term of interview pilot study. The data from the questionnaire survey was analyzed through SPSS software in five groups to accumulate authenticity of 44 factors. Later on the ranking was done by relative importance index (RII). According to the outcome of the research, "Project Group" stood highest among the five groups with factor of "project size" at the top rank while "Contractor Group" stood lowest with the factor of "client size" at bottom rank. From the study it is concluded that the Project Group is identified as a crucial blockade in success of construction projects. By giving pivotal attention to project group, the projects could be successfully attained from factors of project size, materials and equipment, funds and resources and project planning. To focus on the factors of project group, trust of the province people could be restored in construction of projects.



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