Review on Medical Texts in Joseon Dynasty

조선시대 의학교과서 연구

  • Park, Hun-Pyeng (Korean Medicine Sixth Department, Hwasun Maru Gariatric Hospital)
  • 박훈평 (화순마루요양병원 한방 6과)
  • Received : 2016.11.02
  • Accepted : 2016.11.28
  • Published : 2016.11.30


The purpose of this study is to analyze how medical texts in Joseon Dynasty have changed in time and to understand their characteristics. Medical texts that reflect the medical standards of the time were enable us to look into how medical bureaucrats were trained and education policies related to the training. Chinese medicine influenced Joseon Dynasty's medicine in different ways at different times. Before the Imjin War, Joseon dynasty's medicine was largely under the influence of the Song dynasty's medicine. After the war, the four noted physicians of Jin-Yuan era had increasingly more significant influence, along with the introduction of Ming dynasty's medicine. The facts found through this study include : 1) the basic courses were composed of Chandomac (纂圖脈), Dongingyeong (銅人經), and Boncho (本草); 2) Josenization of medical division system was established for the first time during the reign of King Sejo (世祖), and updated throughout the time of the King Seongjong (成宗) and King Sun Jo (宣祖); 3) Hyangyak (鄕藥) education with medical texts was limited to some periods like King Seongjong (成宗) and King Sejo (世祖); 4) the high proportion of Bangseo (方書) in the early era gradually decreased, and more of specialized and comprehensive medical books came to find their way into the standard curriculum.



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