Skin Cancer Concerns in People of Color: Risk Factors and Prevention

  • Gupta, Alpana K (Division of Molecular Cytology, National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (Formerly, Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology) (ICMR) Department of Health Research) ;
  • Bharadwaj, Mausumi (Division of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (ICMR)) ;
  • Mehrotra, Ravi (Division of Molecular Cytology, National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (Formerly, Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology) (ICMR) Department of Health Research)
  • 발행 : 2016.12.01


Background: Though people of color (POC) are less likely to become afflicted with skin cancer, they are much more likely to die from it due to delay in detection or presentation. Very often, skin cancer is diagnosed at a more advanced stage in POC, making treatment difficult.The purpose of this research was to improve awareness regarding skin cancers in people of color by providing recommendations to clinicians and the general public for early detection and photo protection preventive measures. Methods: Data on different types of skin cancers were presented to POC. Due to limited research, there are few resources providing insights for evaluating darkly pigmented lesions in POC. Diagnostic features for different types of skin cancers were recorded and various possible risk factors were considered. Results: This study provided directions for the prevention and early detection of skin cancer in POC based on a comprehensive review of available data. Conclusions: The increased morbidity and mortality rate associated with skin cancer in POC is due to lack of awareness, diagnosis at a more advanced stage and socioeconomic barriers hindering access to care. Raising public health concerns for skin cancer prevention strategies for all people, regardless of ethnic background and socioeconomic status, is the key to timely diagnosis and treatment.



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