The Incidence of Malignant Tumors in Environmentally Disadvantaged Regions of Kazakhstan

  • Mamyrbayev, Arstan (West Kazakhstan branch of "National Centre for Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases") ;
  • Djarkenov, Timur (West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov) ;
  • Dosbayev, Askar (West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov) ;
  • Dusembayeva, Nailya (The Ecological Epidemiology Laboratory, National Centre for Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases MHSD) ;
  • Shpakov, Anatolyi (The Ecological Epidemiology Laboratory, National Centre for Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases MHSD) ;
  • Umarova, Gulmira (West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov) ;
  • Drobchenko, Yelena (The Ecological Epidemiology Laboratory, National Centre for Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases MHSD) ;
  • Kunurkulzhayev, Temirgali (West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov) ;
  • Zhaylybaev, Mukhtar (West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov) ;
  • Isayeva, Gulnar (West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov)
  • 발행 : 2016.12.01


Objective: To explore the prevalence of malignant tumors in the adult population through 2003-2014 in parts of the Aral Sea region: a zone of ecological disaster, a zone of ecological crisis and a zone of precritical conditions. Methods: The long-time average annual levels of cancer morbidity stratified by zones of the Aral Sea region and trends of long-time average annual incidence indicators of malignant tumors were identified. Leading cancer localizations in the adult population was established and associations between cancer incidence and environmental pollution were analyzed. In addition, associations between individual risk factors and cancer incidence in the adult population was established. Correlations between a hazard index and the cancer incidence in the adult population were calculated. Results: In all three Aral Sea regions, as well as in Zhanaarkinskii district, leading cancer in adult population was esophageal, stomach, tracheal, lung, hepatobiliary, and breast. Long-time average annual levels of cancer morbidity in adult population living in the Aral sea region is 1.5 times higher comparing to the control region. In particular, long-time average annual levels of cancer morbidity in adult population living in the zone of ecological disaster was 57.2% higher, in the zone of ecological crisis - 61.9% higher, and in the zone of precritical condition - 16.8% higher. Long-time average annual levels in the adult population of the Aral Sea region significantly exceeded control levels for brain and central nervous system cancer, cancer of bone and articular cartilage, and thyroid cancer. Conclusion: It has was established that the total cancer morbidity depended on the total hazard index associated with the inhalation of nickel and the combined cadmium intake (r=0.8).



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