The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between types and sources of background knowledges of elementary preteachers' questions about astronomy contents in the elementary science text books. Data were extracted from the preteachers' classes established in a university of education. The results are as follows. First, right background knowledges of questions were found in about 58% questions, wrong background knowledges 15%, and no background knowledges 26%. Second, it was found that 'school' as a source of background knowledges was found in 29% questions, 'friend' 21%, 'internet' 14%, 'book reading' 12%, 'others' 9%, 'TV' 7%, 'institute' 4%. In case of the type that right background knowledges have casual relation or correlation with question contents, 'book reading' and 'TV' sources rate increased, but 'internet' and 'others' decreased when compared to total questions. In the type which background knowledges are right and did not have casual relation or correlation with question contents, 'internet' source rate increased and 'friend' decreased. In case of the type that wrong background knowledges do not have casual relation or correlation with question contents, 'friend' and 'TV' sources rate increased, but 'school' and 'book reading' decreased. The type which background knowledges are right and did not have casual relation or correlation with question contents, 'internet' source rate increased and 'friend' decreased. In case of the type of no background knowledges, 'TV' and 'institute' source rate increased, but 'internet' and 'book reading' decreased. Third, the questions in 'Earth and Moon' unit have little background knowledges. The questions in 'solar system and stars' have background knowledges with no relation to the questions. Especially, in the unit 'changes of seasons', right background knowledges were found in more than half questions, but the contents of questions and background knowledges were not connected scientifically.