경력단절여성의 재취업 예측요인

The Predictors of Reemployment on Career Interrupted Women

  • 투고 : 2016.04.01
  • 심사 : 2016.05.26
  • 발행 : 2016.05.31


This study was conducted to identify factors which predict and discriminate women' reemployment. 288 married women whose careers had been interrupted for more than 1 year and 287 married women who re-entered into the labor market within 5 years were surveyed. Collected data were analyzed by logistic regression analysis. In the personal factor(reemployment need), proximal context factors(career barriers, family support and expectation for reemployment) and background context factors(SES, family life cycle), background context factors were revealed not to predict significantly women's reemployment. Secondly, in the case of proximal context factors, it was found that 'expectation of family members for reemployment' and 'sharing family care' had strong effects on reemployment. And compared with interrupted women, reemployed women were less likely to perceive career barriers. Specifically, they showed lower expectation to their job and status which they would achieve, less perceived gender/age discrimination in labor market, and had more confidence that they could find a job. Finally, with regard to the personal factor (reemployment need), the lower women had self-actualization need, the higher economic need, and the higher social need, it was highly likely to classify into reemployed women. We discussed the way to improve reemployment of career interrupted women based on above mentioned findings.



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