근로자의 안전보건교육 참여도와 관련된 교육·생태학적 요인 - PRECEDE 모델을 기반으로 -

Educational and Ecological Factors Associated with Workers' Participation to Safety and Health Education at Work - Based on the PRECEDE Model -

  • 박경옥 (이화여자대학교 융합보건학과)
  • 투고 : 2016.06.22
  • 심사 : 2016.12.02
  • 발행 : 2016.12.31


The purpose of this study was to identify the educational and ecological factors (environment and infra-structure) associated with workers' participation to safety and health education at work (SHEW) based on the PRECEDE constructs. A total of 590 workers (484 in manufacturing and 106 in construction companies) finished the self-administered survey. Survey packets were delivered to the safety and health manager (SHM) in survey companies and the SHMs conducted the self-administered survey in their companies. The questionnaire includes demographics, epidemiological constructs, and educational and ecological constructs based on the PRECEDE model. Participation to SHEW was better in the manufacturing sector than in the construction sector (p<.001). Environmental, reinforcing, and enabling factors were better in the manufacturing companies than in the construction companies. Male worker, better perceived efficacy of SHEW, higher social support for SHEW, assignment of SHM at work, and better safety and health management level at work were significantly associated with workers' better participation to SHEW (p<.05). Those factors accounted for 45.9% of total variance of workers' participation to SHEW.



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