공학교육에서 창의성 향상을 위한 스마트 지원 시스템 적용과 효과에 관한 연구

A Study on the Application and Effects of Smart Support System for Creativity in Engineering Education

  • 임철일 (서울대학교 교육학과) ;
  • 김종원 (서울대학교 기계항공공학부) ;
  • 홍미영 (서울대학교 교육학과) ;
  • 서승일 (서울대학교 교육학과) ;
  • 이찬미 (서울대학교 교육학과) ;
  • 유성근 (서울대학교 기계항공공학부) ;
  • 김영수 (서울대학교 기계항공공학부) ;
  • 박정애 (서울대학교 기계항공공학부)
  • Lim, Cheolil (Department of Education, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Jongwon (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Hong, Miyoung (Department of Education, Seoul National University) ;
  • Seo, Seungil (Department of Education, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee, Chanmi (Department of Education, Seoul National University) ;
  • Yoo, Sungkeun (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Youngsoo (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Bak, Jeongae (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2015.10.21
  • 심사 : 2016.03.28
  • 발행 : 2016.03.31


This study was conducted to explore the applicability and effects of Smart Support System for Creative Problem Solving(S3CPS) in engineering education. S3CPS is an online system developed to support learners' creative problem solving activities based on the CPS model proposed by Treffinger et al.(2000). In this study, it was applied in an engineering course in which students work in teams to design and produce creative robots with the purpose of verifying its effects on creative problem solving and team projects. To address the purpose, interviews and surveys were carried out to examine the effects of S3CPS. The qualitative data were analyzed through a generic coding process. Three ways to apply S3CPS in an engineering course based on team project were derived and effects of the system were also analyzed. It implies that specific design guidelines are required for the optimal use of the system for existing engineering courses.



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