Customers' Satisfaction and Loyalty with Motivations to Dine Out and Selected Attributes in Korean Traditional Restaurant

  • Nam, Jae-Chul (Graduate School of Hotel, Restaurant Management, Sangmyung University) ;
  • Cho, Sun-Rae (Graduate School of Hotel, Restaurant Management, Sangmyung University) ;
  • Lee, Hye-Won (Graduate School of Hotel, Restaurant Management, Sangmyung University)
  • 투고 : 2016.06.09
  • 심사 : 2016.07.15
  • 발행 : 2016.08.30


Purpose - This research analyzes the impact of motivations to dine out and selected attributes of customers on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Based on collected data, this study aims to suggest effective marketing strategies to help manage traditional Korean food restaurants. Research design, data, and methodology - The data were collected from the customers who visited traditional Korean food restaurants in Jeon-Ju for two months from December, 2015. The available data were 402 from collected 450 customers' data and they were analyzed by using SPSS 19.0. Result - These are the results of data analysis. First, environmental, personal and perceived factors influence on the motivations to dine out at Korean food restaurants which affect customer satisfaction. Next, selected attributes from Korean food restaurants have impacts on customer satisfaction. Third, motivations to dine out Korean food restaurants affect customer loyalty. Moreover, physical environments, curiosity and need satisfactions, which are the selected attributes, have impacts on customer loyalty. Lastly, it has been identified that customer satisfaction in Korean food restaurants influences customer loyalty. Conclusions - Satisfaction and good brand image of Jeon-Ju will increase customers' intention to revisit. This study has found that high customer satisfaction leads to re-visitation.


1. Introduction

As society is changing rapidly in Korea, there are a lot of changes in food service industry. This industry has been developed by social, economic and cultural changes, and this shows the trend in which customers pursue better quality of life (Ko, 2008; Choi, 2008). These changes have numerous impacts on the motivations to dine out by changing physiological needs into enjoyable cultures.

Because of increase in income, dual income, discretionary time and single household and a change in lifestyle of single household and lifestyle, the dining market is increasing in terms of fast-food and family restaurants rather than traditional Korean food restaurants.

As food service industry becomes bigger, systemized, and luxurious, foreign brand franchise restaurants invest a lot of money on interior and exterior. In turn, domestic small enterprises – which relatively have less capital – are becoming inferior to them. The sales revenue and the growth rate are dramatically increasing in foreign brand franchise and family restaurants.

WTO (2004) announced that Korean food is healthy and scientific food which has balanced nutrition with mixture of meat and vegetables and is close to the nature. Thanks to this characteristic and an increased interest in healthy and slow food, Korean food is getting an international attention again as a healthy and slow food (Koo, 2010).

It is important to understand the motivations of customers who visit Korean food restaurants in order to understand the behaviors of customers. Moreover, through researches about these motivations, it is possible to establish specified strategies by subdividing customer market.

After this process, it would be possible to understand rationales behind behaviors and prepare, as well as implement, effective marketing concepts. In Korea, studies about dining out motivations were started in the late 1990s by focusing on the relationship between motivations and selected attributes of restaurants (Kim & Heo, 1998; Baek, 2001; Yang & Park, 2000; Kim & Lee, 2012).

Therefore, it is regarded as the right time to research about traditional Korean food restaurant’s dining out motivation and selected attributes. Since visitors of Jeon-Ju traditional house village pursue traditional beauty of Korea, growth rate of Korean food restaurant is also gradually increasing. However, there are a lot of defects in terms of marketing and service when compared against westernized restaurants; therefore, it is important to develop marketing and service strategies to increase the effectiveness of Korean food restaurants management.

To achieve the aim of this report, the impact of motivations to dine out and selective attributes of customers, who visit Korean food restaurants in Jeon-Ju, on customer satisfaction and loyalty will be analyzed. The purpose is to help establish much more effective and efficient marketing strategies to manage Korean food restaurants based on this analysis.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Motivation to Dine Out

Motivations are generally mentioned in psychology; however, it has been identified that understanding psychological attributes of customers is important regarding studies about marketing. Motivations are used in variety of industries ranging from manufacturing to service, such as events and conventions (Oulasvirta & Blom, 2007; Geeroms et al., 2008; Ko, Song, & Woo, 2007; Lee, 2008).

When these concepts are adapted in the food service industry, those are called as the motivations to dine out which are the objectives and reasons to explain customer behaviors (Go, 2007; Kim, 2003). These motivations are analyzed in terms of various external and internal purposes, reasons (Khan, 1991), and work as tonic to encourage mobility among customers (Choi, 2008).

While reading the research which puts emphasis on convenience as one of the most important motivations to dine out in this era (Costa et al., 2007), it is possible to figure out that convenience is one of the most essential factors. Moreover, cost, sensory appeal, and health have a relatively great impact on decision making process (McIntosh, 1996; Steptoe et al., 1995). Moon (2015) also stated that extrinsic factors also motivate customers. Even though there is a gap between individuals, psychological, cognitive and environmental factors, they are the common extrinsic motivations. Physiological motivations are both directly and indirectly caused by human beings’ physical activities to generate essential needs rather than consuming behaviors. Cognitive motivations indicate motivations caused from an individual’s own thoughts, and environmental factors are caused by surroundings of the person.

Many studies have been conducted from a lot of researchers. While previous studies focused on factor classification of general motivations (Kim & Heo, 1998; Baek, 2001; Yoon, 2005; Go, 2007; Kim, Son & Go; 2007; Kim & Lee, 2012; Moon, 2015), Go, Song, and Woo (2007) included a new dimension, self-display, which clearly indicates women’s psychological changes. This means that an individual pursues external factors, such as luxurious atmosphere, for self-actualization rather than food, which is used to display to others.

Based on previous researches, this study defines motivations to dine out as an individual’s intrinsic psychological status which causes one’s behavior, and motivations are also defined as the objectives and reasons for dining out.

2.2. Selected Attributes of Korean Food Restaurants

Previous studies about selected attributes of restaurants analyzed the differences of selected attributes based on different levels of restaurants and factors. This study plans to suggest a Korean food restaurant’s selected attributes based on the previous researches.

Following are the studies from foreign countries. Schroeder (1985) analyzed nine factors, which are quality of food and service, price, diversity of menu, hygiene, atmosphere, quality and quantity of food, and exterior. Swinyad and Struman (1986) argued that customers choose restaurants based on diversity of menu, quality of food, friendly service, quantity of food, and convenient location.

Puzo (1997) analyzed selected attributes in terms of quality of food, atmosphere, hygiene, customer value, level of service, diversity of food and convenient location, and Maclaurin and Maclaurin (2000) examined theme, quality of service and food, menu, atmosphere, convenience, commodity, and price as selected attributes.

Jeon (2005) argued that health, ingredients, cook and dietary factors are selected attributes. Ahn and Jo (2006) analyzed friendly employees, vegetarian menu, organic ingredients, menu descriptions, reasonable price, eco-friendly plates, recipes of healthy food, low-calorie food, food temperature, and nutritious balance through well-being assessment. Lee (2009) examined attractiveness and cook functionality as factors of trend towards well-being menu, and Jo (2009) argued than when customer choose well- being and Lohas menus, freshness, usage of pesticide, preference, price and country of origin are considered to be important.

Except those studies, there are much more research about restaurants’ selected attributes (Go, 1997; Im, 1997; Jo, 1998; Kim & Heo, 1998; Yoo, 1999; Baek, 2000; Park & Lee, 2000; Lee, 2000; Yang & Park, 2000; Hwang, 2000; Shin, 2001; Lee & Hwang, 2002; Seo, Choi,& Moon, 2004; Kim, 2005; Jo, 2012; Yang et al., 2013; Lee & Hwang; 2014, Moon, 2015).

Based on previous studies, quality of food, physical environments, employees’ service, curiosity and need satisfaction are considered as traditional Korean food restaurant’s selected attributes in this journal.

2.3. Customer Satisfaction

Following studies had researched about customer satisfaction. Fornell (1992) claimed that a high level of customer satisfaction increased customer loyalty, decreased price sensitivity, retained customers, reduced failure, marketing in terms of obtaining new customers, and costs, and enhanced brand image. Oliver (1997) explained customer satisfaction in more details by defining it as a customer decision regarding fulfilled states (cognitive decisions) and the level of pleasantness (emotional decisions). Oliver (1997) suggested four steps which increase profits of an organization (quality → satisfaction → loyalty profit) when customer satisfaction has an impact on customer loyalty. Lee (1994) spread the whole concepts of customer satisfaction into outcome and process.

Recently, government has put a great effort on investigating customer satisfaction and theory establishment by developing customer satisfaction index, such as NCSI and KCSI. When summarizing all research regarding the results of customer satisfaction, the types of studies are largely divided into two levels, customers and organizations. The first level, customer, argues that high customer satisfaction leads to repurchase behaviors and positive effects of word-of-mouth which also increase customer loyalty. On the other hand, research in the organizational level claims that profits of the organization are increased through customer satisfaction.

2.4. Customer Loyalty

There are some differences among studies about customer loyalty. Hunt (1977) considered customer satisfaction as evaluation of customers’ purchasing behaviors as better than expected. Oliver (1980) defined as a comprehensive psychological status which is generated through the mixture of mismatched emotions between customer expectations and their purchasing experiences. According to Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1996), customer loyalty is made from word-of-mouth and the intention of repurchase. Word-of-mouth is an informal conversation consisted of opinions about products and brands and is the oldest mechanism to spread words. This has been defined as having a huge impact on customer decision making processes.

Rosenberg and Czepiel (1984) claimed that retaining customers save more than six times of expenses compared to attracting new customers. In Recicheld and Sasser (1990)’s research, if a company reduces 5% of churners, there will be a substantial positive impact on profit ranging from 25% to 85%. When summarizing all studies stated above, customer loyalty is the engagement of customers who have intention to repurchase or revisit. Those engagements encourage customers to repeatedly purchase products or services, even though they can choose to purchase at competitors’ stores (Shin et al., 2015).

3. Methods and Hypothesis

3.1. Research Model

This research has set a model, described as [Figure 1], to analyze the impact of a Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out and selected attributes on customer satisfaction and loyalty, and also assessed hypotheses.

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[Figure 1] Research Model.

3.2. Setting Hypotheses

To investigate how motivations to dine out at a Korean food restaurant and its selected attributes have effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty, five hypotheses are set. In this study, customer satisfaction was not used as parameter, since researchers primarily aimed to analyze direct effect without looking into mediator effects (Kim & Lee, 2012; Moon, 2013; Jo, 2012; Lee & Hwang, 2014; Moon, 2015; Kim, 2012; Choo & Jung, 2015; Kim & Yoo, 2015)

A Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out will have a positive impact on customer satisfaction.

A Korean food restaurant’s selected attributes will have a positive impact on customer satisfaction.

A Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out will have a positive impact on customer loyalty.

A Korean food restaurant’s selected attributes will have a positive impact on customer loyalty.

A Korean food restaurant’s customer satisfaction will have a positive impact on customer loyalty.

3.3. Operational Definition of Variables

In this research, motivations to dine out, selected attributes, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are operationally defined based on previous studies.

3.3.1. Operational Definitions of Independent Variables

(1) Motivations to dine out

1) Environmental factor

This factor includes the environment of a restaurant, good view, cleanliness and hygiene of a restaurant, good atmosphere, and convenience to serve customers. By conducting factor analysis on these attributes, they were deduced into one factor which was named as an environmental factor.

2) Personal factor

Researches and estimated characteristics such as, simply to have a meal, to reduce cooking time, not having time to cook, and being bad at cooking. Out of these factors, one theme was emerged as a result of factor analysis, and the result was named as a personal factor.

3) Cognitive factor

Factors such as wanting to spend time with friends, desire to try delicious food, wanting to celebrate special anniversaries and desire to solve curiosity of new food were also researched. From those elements, it was possible to discover one factor as a factor analysis, and this was named as a cognitive factor.

(2) Selected attributes

1) Physiological environment

Lights, exterior, atmosphere, size, interior, music, coziness of seats, cutleries and tables of a restaurant has been investigated. Through factor analysis, a physiological environment is deduced.

2) Quality of food

Quality, freshness, hygiene and cleanliness, and taste of food are researched. As a result of factor analysis, one factor was deduced, which was named as quality of food.

3) Delivered service from employees

The abilities of communication, attitudes, aptitudes, service quality, grooming, and promptness of employees are researched. Out of those elements, one theme, delivered service from employees, is extracted as a result of factor analysis.

4) Curiosity and need fulfilment

Curiosity, desires regarding new food, variability of menu choices are investigated. Curiosity and need fulfilment are extracted as a result of factor analysis.

3.3.2. Operational Definitions of Dependent Variables

(1) Customer satisfaction

Satisfaction of food, atmosphere and overall service are investigated. The common theme is identified as customer satisfaction as a result of factor analysis.

(2) Customer loyalty

Repeated uses despite of high and increased price, recommending others, and expected repeated uses in the future are included in this dependent variable and are investigated. Customer loyalty was identified as the common theme of those elements as a result of factor analysis.

3.4. Questionnaire Formation and Analysis Method

3.4.1. The formation of the questionnaire looks like [Table 1].

[Table 1] The formation of the questionnaire

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3.4.2. Analysis Method

To investigate the impact of a Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out and selected attributes on customer satisfaction and loyalty, questionnaires were distributed to customers who visited a traditional Korean food restaurant in Jeon-Ju within two months from December, 2015. By conducting a judgment sampling, 402 available data were collected out of 450 samples. Then, analysis was conducted by using SPSS 19.0 package.

To identify demographical characteristics, a frequency analysis was conducted. A factor analysis and a reliability analysis were conducted to check reliability and validity of a Korean food restaurant’s motivations to visit, selected attributes, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. A correlation analysis was conducted to identify correlations between variable; and a regression analysis was conducted to test hypotheses.

4. Empirical Analysis

4.1. General Characteristic of the Sample

To investigate characteristic of respondents, a frequency analysis was conducted with 402 available samples. [Table 2] is the result of the analysis.

[Table 2] Demographic characteristic of the sample

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4.2. Analysis of Reliability and Validity of Research Method

4.2.1. Analysis of Reliability and Validity of Research Method of a Korean Food Restaurant’s Motivations to Dine Out

In this research, an exploratory factor analysis was used to prove reliability and validity of selections and measurement concepts. In addition, Cronbach’s α value was used to estimate internal consistency of factors. An exploratory factor analysis aimed to assume an unstructured construct’s directions and dimensions. To confirm a construct in advance (Ahire, Golhar, & Waller, 1996), orthogonal rotation of Varimax was used through a principal component analysis. 

[Table 3] The result of reliability and validity of research method of a Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out.

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KMO= .819, Chi-square= 1694.493, df= 66, p= .000

According to [Table 3] three final factors are extracted which have eigenvalue greater than 1. Every factor has achieved greater than 0.7 of reliability, which indicates that consistency has been confirmed.

KMO is the value which indicates the level of well-explained correlations among variables by other variables. Generally, KMO value of 0.819 means that factors are well-selected. Described variance analysis is identified as 61.840.

4.2.2. Analysis of Reliability and Validity of Research Method of a Korean Food Restaurant’s Selected Attributes

In this research, an exploratory factor analysis was used to prove reliability and validity of selections and measurement concepts. In addition, Cronbach’s α value was used to estimate internal consistency of factors. An exploratory factor analysis aimed to assume an unstructured construct’s directions and dimensions. To confirm a construct in advance (Ahire, Golhar, & Waller, 1996), orthogonal rotation of Varimax was used through a principal component analysis. 

According to [Table 4], final four factors are extracted which have eigenvalue of greater than 1. Every factor has achieved greater than 0.8 of reliability which confirms the consistency.

KMO is the value which indicates the level of well- explained correlations among variables by other variables. If the value is small, it indicates that the selected factors are not appropriate. Generally, KMO value of 0.915 means that factors are well-selected. Described variance analysis is identified as 67.326.

4.2.3. Analysis of Reliability and Validity of Research Method of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

In this research, an exploratory factor analysis was used to prove reliability and validity of selections and measurement concepts. In addition, Cronbach’s α value was used to estimate internal consistency of factors. An exploratory factor analysis aimed to assume an unstructured construct’s directions and dimensions. To confirm a construct in advance (Ahire, Golhar, & Waller, 1996), orthogonal rotation of Varimax was used through a principal component analysis. 

[Table 4] The result of reliability and validity of research method of a Korean food restaurant’s selected attributes.

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KMO= .915, Chi-square= 5478.705, df= 210, p= .000

According to [Table 5], customer satisfaction and loyalty have eigenvalue greater than 1. Every factor has achieved greater than 0.8 of reliability which indicates that consistency has been confirmed.

KMO is the value which indicates the level of well-explained correlations among variables by other variables. If the value is small, it indicates that the selected factors are not appropriate. KMO value of each is 0.784 and 0.708 which means that factors are well-selected. Described variance analysis for each is identified as 65.956 and 65.859.

4.3. A Correlation Analysis

A correlation analysis identifies correlations among variables. In this study, Pearson correlation coefficient was used to analyze relationships among variables or calculations of covariance. As shown through [Table 6], it has been identified that there are not high correlations among variables.

4.4. Hypothesis Verification

4.4.1. The regression between a Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out and customer satisfaction

The result of the impact of a Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out on customer satisfaction is presented in [Table 7].

[Table 5] The result of reliability and validity of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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KMO= .708, Chi-square= 649.084, df= 6, p= .000​​​​​​​

[Table 6] The result of a correlation analysis.

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** p<0.01

[Table 7] The result of the impact of a Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out on customer satisfaction.

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R2 = .323, F= 63.246, df1= 3, df2= 398, p= .000​​​​​​​


As a result of a regression analysis, R square of dependent variables are presented as 0.323 in [Table 7]. The F value, which presents statistical significance regarding a regression equation, is 64.246, and the p value is .000 (p<.0001) which presents that a regression equation is appropriate for this model.

Since an environmental factor, a personal factor, and a cognitive factor have a significant impact, hypothesis 1 has been accepted.

4.4.2. The Relationship between a Korean Food Restaurant’s Selected Attributes and Customer Satisfaction.

The result of a regression analysis to assess the impact of a Korean food restaurant’s selected attributes on customer satisfaction has been identified in [Table 8].

As a result of a regression analysis, R square of dependent variables are presented as 0.416 in [Table 8]. The F value, which presents statistical significance regarding a regression equation, is 70.608, and the p value is .000 (p<.0001) which presents that a regression equation is appropriate for this model.

Since a physiological environment, quality of food, delivered service from employees, and curiosity and need fulfilment have a significant impact, hypothesis 2 has been accepted.

[Table 8] The result of a regression analysis about a Korean food restaurant’s selected attributes and customer satisfaction.

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R2 = .416, F= 70.608, df1= 4, df2= 397, p= .000​​​​​​​

*p<0.05, **p<0.01

[Table 9] The result of a regression analysis about a Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out and customer loyalty.

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R2 = .279, F= 51.260, df1= 3, df2= 398, p= .000​​​​​​​


4.4.3. The Relationship between a Korean Food Restaurant’s Motivations to Dine Out and Customer Loyalty.

To identify the impact of Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out on customer loyalty, a regression analysis has been conducted. The result of the analysis is presented in [Table 9].

As a result of a regression analysis, R square of dependent variables are presented as 0.279 in [Table 9]. The F value, which presents statistical significance regarding a regression equation, is 51.260, and the p value is .000 (p<.0001) which presents that a regression equation is appropriate for this model.

Since an environmental factor, a personal factor and a cognitive factor have a significant impact, has been accepted.

4.4.4. The Relationship between a Korean Food Restaurant’s Selected Attributes and Customer Loyalty

To identify the impact of a Korean food restaurant’s selected attributes customer loyalty, a regression analysis has been conducted. The result of the analysis is presented in [Table 10].

According to a regression analysis, R square of dependent variables are presented as 0.288 in [Table 10]. The F value, which presents statistical significance regarding a regression equation, is 40.067, and the p value is .000 (p<.0001) which presents that a regression equation is appropriate for this model.

Since a physiological environment and need fulfilment have a significant impact, has been partially accepted.

4.4.5. The Relationship between a Korean Food Restaurant’s Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty

To identify the impact of a Korean food restaurant’s customer satisfaction on customer loyalty, a regression analysis has been conducted. The result of the analysis is presented in [Table 11].

According to a regression analysis, R square of dependent variables are presented as 0.438 in [Table 11]. The F value, which presents statistical significance regarding a regression equation, is 311.406, and the p value is .000 (p<.0001) which presents that a regression equation is appropriate for this model.

Since Korean food restaurant’s customer satisfaction has a significant impact, has been accepted.

[Table 10] The result of a regression analysis about a Korean food restaurant’s selected attributes and customer loyalty.

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R2 = .288, F= 40.067, df1= 4, df2= 397, p= .000


[Table 11] The result of a regression analysis about a Korean food restaurant’s customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

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R2 = .438, F= 311.406, df1= 1, df2= 400, p= .000​​​​​​​


5. Conclusion

5.1. Summary of the Result and Implications

This study has been analyzed whether a traditional Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out and selected attributes have positive impacts on satisfaction and loyalty of customers who visit the restaurant in Jeon-Ju area. Based on this, the present report aimed to establish more effective and efficient marketing strategies for those who run Korean food restaurants. The summary of this study and some implications are stated below.

First, as a result of a multiple regression analysis to investigate the impact of a Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out on customer satisfaction, an environmental factor, a personal factor and a cognitive factor are identifies as having a positive impact on customer satisfaction. Especially, environments, view, hygiene and cleanliness, atmosphere and hospitality need a great effort since an environmental factor is the most influential.

Next, as a result of a multiple regression analysis to investigate the impact of a Korean food restaurant’s selected attributes on customer satisfaction, physiological environments, quality of food, delivered service from employees and curiosity and need fulfilment have a positive influence on customer satisfaction. Especially, curiosity regarding new restaurants, desires toward new food and the variety of menu are considered as the most important.

Third, as a result of a multiple regression analysis to investigate the impact of a Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out on customer loyalty, an environmental factor, a personal factor, and a cognitive factor are identified to have a positive impact on customer loyalty. In the same manner, the customer satisfaction, an environmental factor has been identified to have a great influence. Therefore, it is important to put more attention on environments, view, hygiene and cleanliness, atmosphere and hospitality of a restaurant.

Furthermore, as a result of a multiple regression analysis to investigate the impact of a Korean food restaurant’s selected attributes on customer loyalty, physiological environments, curiosity, need fulfilment were discovered to have a positive influence on customer loyalty. In the same manner, the customer satisfaction, curiosity and need fulfilment have been identified as having a great influence on customer loyalty. Therefore, individuals should put great effort to develop curiosity regarding new restaurants, desires toward new food and the variety of menu attributes.

Lastly, as a result of a simple regression analysis to investigate the impact of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty, it has been identified that customer satisfaction has a significant impact on customer loyalty. It is important to differentiate restaurants from restaurants in different regions since customer satisfaction has a direct impact on customer loyalty. This differentiation might maximize profits by generating re-visitations.

Implications of this study are stated below. To start with, following are academic implications.

First, researching about a Korean food restaurant’s motivations to dine out and selected attributes in Jeon-Ju region is considered meaningful. There are some previous studies which had researched about selected attributes of a Korean food restaurant in Jeon-Ju area; however, no study has conducted with motivations to dine out. Therefore, it is assumed that more studies should be conducted. A cognitive factor and curiosity and need fulfilment factors have the most impact on customer satisfaction. This might be because of well-known restaurants, such as the Jo Jum Rae’s Blood Sausage Restaurant, the Veteran Noodle Soup Restaurant, and the Three-Hundred House’s Soybean Sprout Soup Rice.

Moreover, an environmental factor and curiosity and need fulfilment factors are the most influential factors of customer loyalty. Because, starting from the traditional house village, many buildings in Jeon-ju match traditional exterior, interior, lights, music and temperature. As a result, many individuals might be attracted and think about re-visitation. Since the area pursue changes by providing a variety of attractions and food, it is considered that the rate of re-visitation is high.

As a result, it is seen that good image of Jeon-Ju and satisfaction will generate re-visitations. This is not identified in all studies; however, in this research, it was discovered that high satisfaction results a high level of re-visitation.

The following are the practical implications.

Based on the analyzed results, the business owners need to look for primary factors of motivation to dine out and selected attributes which affect customer satisfaction and loyalty. Then, they need to seek for the ways to manage their businesses more effectively and where to invest more, between customer satisfaction and loyalty. This will help them to invest only in parts needed to be invested, not parts unnecessary to be invested.

5.2. Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research

First, when choosing sample, this study conducted an actual investigation by targeting customers who visited specific area of Jeon-Ju. Therefore, there is a limitation of this study because it did not conduct research of all Korean food restaurants in Jeon-Ju area.

Next, it is considered to be meaningful to conduct a research with the sample which includes both domestic and international guests. The reason is that there are many international tourists in Jeon-Ju.

Following sentence is a suggestion for further research.

First, there should be a study with reformulated research model used in this journal. To conduct more advanced research, there should be a study with plentiful explanations.

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