Description of reversed yielding in thin hollow discs subject to external pressure

  • Alexandrov, Sergei E. (Laboratory for Strength and Fracture of Materials and Structures, Institute for Problems in Mechanics) ;
  • Pirumov, Alexander R. (Technical Mechanics Department, Moscow Technological University) ;
  • Jeng, Yeau-Ren (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Institute of Manufacturing with High-tech Innovations, National Chung Cheng University)
  • Received : 2015.10.13
  • Accepted : 2016.02.13
  • Published : 2016.05.25


This paper presents an elastic/plastic model that neglects strain hardening during loading, but accounts for the Bauschinger effect. These mathematical features of the model represent reasonably well the actual behavior of several materials such as high strength steels. Previous attempts to describe the behavior of this kind of materials have been restricted to a class of boundary value problems in which the state of stress in the plastic region is completely controlled by the yield stress in tension or torsion. In particular, the yield stress is supposed to be constant during loading and the forward plastic strain reduces the yield stress to be used to describe reversed yielding. The new model generalizes this approach on plane stress problems assuming that the material obeys the von Mises yield criterion during loading. Then, the model is adopted to describe reversed yielding in thin hollow discs subject to external pressure.



Supported by : RFBR, NSC


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