주거취약 청·장년 독신가구의 커뮤니티형 공동주택 구성요소 선호특성 연구 - 서울 쇠퇴지역 거주 독신가구를 중심으로 -

Preferred Features of Communal Shared Housing of the Urban Young Adults and Adults Housing Poor - Focused on Single Household Living in the Deprived Area of Seoul-

  • Ko, Ji-Yeong (Dept. of Interior Architecture and Built Environment, Yonsei Univ.) ;
  • Lee, Yeun-Sook (Dept. of Interior Architecture and Built Environment, Yonsei Univ.) ;
  • An, So-Mi (Dept. of Design and Imaging, Baekseok Univ.)
  • 투고 : 2016.01.08
  • 심사 : 2016.04.05
  • 발행 : 2016.04.30


Purpose: This study aimed to find out the characteristics of the communal shared housing preferred by the housing vulnerable single-person household young adults and adults. It also intended to identify overall characteristics of the young adults and adults and compare and analyze the differences. Method: The the questionnaire using face-to-face interview was conducted. The research subjects were 100 housing vulnerable single-person household young adults and adults, who were living in Gosiwon, Jjokbang, detached houses below the minimum housing standards, multiplex housing units and multi-household houses in Seoul. The research was conducted on the general characteristics, housing environmental characteristics, preferred characteristics of space planning and non-physical elements on the communal shared housing, and the collected data was analyzed using the SPSS statistical package. Result: Out of 15 categories on the communal shared housing, there were common preferences to 6 categories and differences in 7 categories between young adults and adults. At a time with the need for customized housing welfare by life cycle, these research findings are expected to provide basic data to realize customized housing welfare for the housing vulnerable and develop appropriate housing alternatives.



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