Exploiting Group Social Capital in Systems Development Projects

  • 투고 : 2016.03.10
  • 심사 : 2016.03.15
  • 발행 : 2016.03.31


Group social capital can be defined as an intangible asset that promotes knowledge sharing and social interaction. It is posited here that the group social capital raised and nurtured among group members positively influences on team performance in IS (Information Systems) development projects. And communication effectiveness is selected as a critical antecedent and its detailed relationships with the dimensions of group social capital are analyzed. Effective communication plays important role in ISD project teams by integrating knowledge from different areas. Moderating effects of project phase between the sub-dimensions of social capital and project performance are investigated. Hypotheses are tested using data from 131 project teams of 85 manufacturing firms. The results indicated that Communication effectiveness positively impacted sub-dimensions of social capital (social ties, trust, and shared vision). Moreover, the team performance is influenced by shared vision and trust, leaving social ties as a leading subcontract, as theoretically proposed in prior research. The project phase moderates the impact of shared vision on team performance.



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