벤처·중소 ICT 기업의 디지털 생태계에서의 글로벌 경쟁력 요인 연구

A Study of the Competitive Factors of ICT Venture and SMEs in the Global Digital Ecosystem

  • 이계수 (단국대학교 미래인터넷융합정책연구센터) ;
  • 윤현덕 (숭실대학교 벤처중소기업학과)
  • 투고 : 2015.05.29
  • 심사 : 2016.02.24
  • 발행 : 2016.03.31


Recently, in the bio-field success stories of ventures through a biosimilar technology is being excavated. but the growth of ICT industry has been stagnant since reaching a boom in the dissemination of early high-speed internet in 2000s. The purpose of this study is to explore the factors of change of business model and business strategy of ICT ventures and SMEs with the evolution of the digital ecosystem, and to drive the factors to be competitive on the global value chain. The researcher selected an entreprenuership, market-innovation orientation, technology-innovation orientation, and Administration-innovation orientation as internal factors influencing the global competence and healthiness of the ecosystem as external factors. The researcher applied samples of 94 ICT Venture and SMEs to a research model, and adopted 5 hypotheses. The researcher believes that only a few hypotheses were adopted because it takes time for overall innovation orientation of ICT Venture and SMEs to result in the real global competence as the their innovation orientation is still on the level of domestic market. And the researcher also thinks that only healthiness of the ecosystem affected management performances because the companies' performances of the last 3 years were so weak that the correlation between innovation orientation of each company and the performances were not big enough.



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