The Effects of Generative Concept Map on Science Learning Achievement and Cognitive Load

  • 투고 : 2016.09.01
  • 심사 : 2016.10.09
  • 발행 : 2016.10.30


This study investigated the effect of generative concept maps according to learning achievements and cognitive load. A total of 78 students in the first grade of middle school participated in this study. Before the experimental treatment was implemented, students had to fill out a questionnaire assessing prior knowledge. The study was designed where all the students were presented the same learning contents regarding photosynthesis; however, the two experimental groups were provided with different concept map methods: a learner-generative concept map (GCM) and an instructor-provided concept map (PCM). GCM students were asked to make a concept map by themselves in small groups while they are reading material. PCM students were instructed to study in small groups in order to read the material; however, they were provided a concept map developed by their teacher. The control group (CG) had the teacher present the learning contents in traditional lecture format with no accompanying concept map. The results show that there were significant differences in the achievements among the groups. CG showed higher achievement than both the experimental groups. There was also a significant difference in cognitive load. Although the GCM group did not obtain higher achievement than the other groups, the GCM group showed higher mental effort and lower physical fatigue than the other groups. The GCM group might have invested more effort to find and connect ideas when drawing their concept map with peers which is unlike the conditions for the PCM group and CG. In conclusion, we should consider applying GCM in teaching and learning design in order to increase learning achievement and decrease extraneous cognitive load.



This study was conducted by research fund from the Gwangju University in 2015.


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