Analysis of the Structural Relationships among Self-efficacy, Experience, Mobile Learning Quality, and Learner Satisfaction in Universities

  • 투고 : 2016.08.26
  • 심사 : 2016.10.05
  • 발행 : 2016.10.30


This study was designed to determine the factors affecting learner satisfaction and examine the relationships of these factors in mobile learning linked to pre-existing e-learning in universities. In the structural model used, three mobile learning quality factors are the endogenous variables, namely, system quality (SYQ), information quality (INQ) and service quality (SEQ) perceived by students, and learner satisfaction (LS), whereas students' self-efficacy (SE) and experience (EX) in mobile learning are the exogenous variables. The subjects were 900 students who registered for mobile learning courses offered by a private university in Seoul, Korea. The results indicated that SE in mobile learning had positive effects on SYQ, INQ, and SEQ. Furthermore, SE influenced LS when analyzed without quality factors as parameters. Mobile learning EX directly affected INQ, but not SYQ or SEQ. EX likewise had a direct effect on LS when analyzed without quality factors as parameters. Meanwhile, both SYQ and INQ showed a positive effect on LS, but not SEQ. SE and EX affected LS indirectly when SYQ and INQ were used as parameters. This study addresses the importance of increasing SE, EX, SYQ, and INQ to increase LS in mobile learning in universities



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