The Benefits in the Adoption of Proper Forms of E-Commerce and the Moderating Effects of E-Commerce Capabilities

적합한 전자상거래 유형 도입의 이점과 전자상거래 능력의 조절 영향

  • Received : 2015.07.21
  • Accepted : 2015.10.20
  • Published : 2016.03.31


This study investigated the relationships among proper types of e-commerce, patterns of inter-organizational information flow (IIF), benefits of e-commerce, and supply-chain performance. In IIF, it was empirically observed that environmental competition positively influences the frequency of IIF, and environmental uncertainty has a positive impact on the quality of IIF. It was also empirically confirmed that only quality of IIF has effects on the usage levels of e-procurement as well as e-partnerships. Through regression analyses and cluster analysis, it was found that under high degrees of the frequency and quality of IIF, the benefits of e-commerce are vastly realized in the firms that highly utilize e-partnerships. The results of this study also showed that when the degrees of quality of IIF are high, the levels of benefits of e-commerce are increased in the firms that employ e-procurement. The moderating effects of buyer and supplier firms' abilities on the relationships between patterns of IIF and usage levels in various types of e-commerce were empirically examined. According to the results, the moderating roles of buyer firms' capabilities and suppliers' abilities were partially demonstrated. Finally, it was found that the realization of benefits of e-commerce can lead to the improvement of supply-chain performance.



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