IEC 62501 기준에 의한 전압형 HVDC Valve의 시험평가기술 동향

  • 발행 : 2016.02.20




  1. IEC 62501 : Voltage Sourced Converter(VSC) valves for High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) power transmission - Electrical testing, 2014.
  2. Working Group B4.48 CIGRE. "Components Testing of VSC System for HVDC Applications (Number 447. Feb. 2011)
  3. T. Xu, M.W. Donoghue. and C.C. Davidson "IGBT Overcurrent turn-off Tests for the MMC-Based VSC Valves." EPE' 13?ECCE Europe. Lille France, Sep. 2013.
  4. T. Xu and C.C. Davidson, "Operational Tests for the MMC-Based VSC Valves," PCIM Europe 2014. 20-22, pp. 485-492, May. 2014.