수용개작방법을 활용한 간헐도뇨 간호실무지침 개발

Development of Nursing Practice Guideline on Intermittent Urinary Catheterization by Using Remake Process

  • 투고 : 2016.06.16
  • 심사 : 2016.10.24
  • 발행 : 2016.12.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study was aimed to develop evidence-based nursing practice guideline for preventing intermittent urinary catheterization (IUC) related complications using guideline remake process. Methods: Guideline remake process was conducted according to guideline adaptation manual developed by Gu et al (2012) which consisted of three main phases and 9 modules including a total of 24 steps. Results: Newly developed IUC guideline consists of introduction, overview of intermittent catheterization, summary of recommendations, recommendations, references, and appendices. There were 50 recommendations in 5 sections including assessment, equipments, catheterization, complications management, and education/consult. Three recommendations (6%) were graded A, and five (10%) and 41 recommendations(82%) were B and C, respectively. Conclusion: The IUC remade-guideline was developed based on evidence-based nursing and therefore, this guideline is recommended to be disseminated and utilized by nurses nationwide to improve the quality of care for IUC and to decrease the IUC related complications.



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