한국과 독일 방문요양의 등급별 급여 비교 연구

A Comparative Study on the Care Services According to Care Levels in the Korean and German Home Care System

  • 투고 : 2016.11.03
  • 심사 : 2016.12.12
  • 발행 : 2016.12.31


Purpose: This study aims to classify multiple forms of home care services from a service user's perspective. By comparing the German system to the Korean one, this study seeks to find better ways of enhancing client-centered care. Methods: The data of 121 home care users were collected from six home care centers that had under the management of nursing managers for more than five years. The researcher used a German instrument to estimate the level of care. Results: High correlation was found between German and Korean assessment criteria (r=0.81, p<.001). However, compared to their German counterparts, Korean home care providers allocated more time towards provision of domestic help per daily visit. German home care providers allocated more time towards services relating to provision of support for physical activities, including personal hygiene. It was confirmed that the level of care in Korea does not correlate with either the categories of home care services and duration. Conclusion: Therefore, care services should be offered according to long-term care needs. This study suggests a need for systematic care aimed at strengthening the client's autonomy which should be properly planned, implemented, and managed.



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